Chapter 26- We need to fix this Adam

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It's later on that night and Monica is working late. She goes to get coffee when she spots Adam sitting alone.
"Hey" Adam says
"Oh hey! Working late?" Monica asks
"I was but if your working late then I'll just go home" Adam says getting up before Monica stops him
"We need to fix this Adam!" Monica says sitting down
"There's nothing to be fixed" Adam says
"Look we both said things that we didn't mean! I love you Adam and that will never change" Monica says
"But your the one who ended it! You gave me the ring!" Adam says
"What was stoping you from coming to fix it! Huh? I went to Dawson's crying my eyes out that night Adam! God even a text would have done it!" Monica says loudly
"This was the best thing that had happened to me since New York! I imagined out future together and what our kids were gonna look like!" Monica says
"I didn't know you felt about it like that, I love you Monica but is this really worth fixing" Adam says
"God your unbelievable! Of course it is! You love me! Isn't that enough?" Monica says angrily
"I just don't know" Adam says unsure
"We don't have to go back to being engaged but we could go back to the dating part, Just think about it" Monica says as she walks out. She walks back to her desk and sits down when she hears something
"Help!" A girl calls out
Monica walks down the stairs and notices a girl at the entrance of the district
"Are you okay honey?" Monica says putting her gun away
"They took me! And I escaped and now there after me!" The girl says
"Come on!" Monica says taking her upstairs
"What's your name?" Monica asks
"It's umm Rachel" Rachel says
"Hi Rachel I'm Monica! Now how old are you?" Monica asks
"18" Rachel says
"Okay and tell me about these people" Monica says
"I was out buying prom dresses and out of no where someone popped out and put me in a car. They drove me to a house and they abused me and wouldn't feed me" Rachel says
"Okay well you did the right thing coming here!" Monica says
"What's all the noise?" Adam says walking out and Rachel jumps
"Hey it's okay! This is Adam! He's a detective here too" Monica says walking over to Adam
"She was held hostage and she's just escaped" Monica whispers to Adam
"How about you come home with me tonight?" Monica says
"Are you sure?" Rachel asks
"Positive!" Monica says enthusiastically
"I'll drive you all" Adam says grabbing his keys
They arrive back at Monica's apartment and Rachel is fast asleep. Monica is sitting on the couch across from adam.
"I feel so bad for her" Monica says
"Her prom is in 3 days! And she really wants to go but after what she has been through" Monica says
"I know I wish there was something we could do!" Adam says sighing
"What if there is? That's it!" Monica says
"What? Why do you have that look on your face?" Adam says confused
"You'll see!!" Monica says enthusiastically

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