Chapter 44- Fighting

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It's the next day and Monica is still thinking about the whole Anna situation. She can see Jay in the kitchen drinking his coffee.
"I'm gonna fight for her!" Monica says
"What?" Jay asks confused
"I'm not letting them take Anna! I can't sit back and let her go!" Monica says
"But your 4 months pregnant Monica!" Jay says
"I'll do it if I'm 9 months pregnant! There not taking her!" Monica says
"Now I'm going to work can you take Anna to school?" Monica asks
"Sure..." Jay says as Monica leaves
She arrives at work and heads straight to her desk. She researches all the ways that she can fight for Anna. This continues all day as they aren't working on a big case. It's that night and they have a meeting with the social workers along with Anna's birth mum. They head down and go into a room
"Mr and Mrs Halstead this is Vanessa Anna's mum" The social worker says
"It's lovely to meet you guys! Thank you for taking care of my daughter!" Vanessa says
"It's no problem sure it's not!" Jay says looking at Monica but Monica doesn't say a word
"Okay so the decision is up to you both. You can take Vanessa to court to get custody of Anna or you can let Vanessa have custody with no courts involved!" The social worker says
"Just for the record! I've changed! I'm not who I was when I gave up Anna!" Vanessa says
"We're taking Vanessa to court for custody of Anna" Monica says coldly
"We're what?" Jay says confused
"Umm what?" Vanessa says shocked
"Anna has seen more of me in the last 3 months than she has of you in her entire life!" Monica says
"It's settled then! I'll email you the court date!" The social worker says as Monica walks out
"What the hell monica?" Jay shouts
"What?" Monica says getting in the car
"We agreed to let Vanessa have custody!" Jay shouts
"I didn't! You did Jay! I can't lose Anna! She's my little girl!" Monica says calmly
"What about our child?" Jay says
"It's not all about our biological kids Jay! Anna is our kid just as much as this new baby will be!" Monica shouts
"All I'm saying is that we need to put priorities in place!" Jay says
"What? And the new baby is at the top of that list because it's yours?" Monica asks
"Yeah.." Jay says looking at the ground
"Unbelievable!" Monica says as she scoffs
"You know what! Screw you Jay!" Monica says getting out of the car and slamming the door
"Monica? Where are you going?" Jay says
"I'm going to pick up my daughter from school!" Monica says
"You can't walk" Jay shouts
"Your precious biological child will be fine!" Monica shouts as she walks away

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