Chapter 13- Breaking into mollys

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A man has just broken into mollys with a gun. Harper and Antonio are the only detectives there that have there guns with them. Everyone has there hands up and they are all looking at Antonio and Monica.
"Don't blow your cover I have an idea" Monica whispers to Antonio
"You people! You only care about money! Not doing your job properly!" The man shouts
"Everyone get in the back!" The man shouts as everyone rushes to the back
There in the back when the man notices that Monica is whispering to Antonio
"You need to say anything princess?" The man shouts
"No I don't" Monica says smartly
"Hey! Don't get smart with me!" The man says holding up his gun to Monica's head
"Please don't shoot!" Monica says
"Why not!" The man shouts
"My name is Monica Dawson and I have a brother and sister that I didn't know I had. My mum is called Rosa and she lives on NYC and my dad is called Ramon! I grew up in New York but yet I wasn't rich! I moved to Chicago 3 months ago and I don't wanna die!" Monica says acting panicked
"Run!" The man shouts as Monica gets up
Monica then dials 911
"This is detective Monica Dawson and I have a hostage situation at mollys pub" Monica says
She then grabs her gun and runs in. She tackles the man to the ground and holds her gun up to his face
"You move an inch and I'll blow your head off" Monica says As the man stops trying to get out
Just then Voight bursts through the door
"Everyone okay?" Voight asks
"Yeah we're all good!" Herrmann says
Monica then passes the guy to Voight and Voight takes him away. Monica checks that everyone is okay before Antonio takes her home. It's the next morning and Monica is heading to work. She grabs a coffee then arrives at the district.
"Morning" Monica says as she walks in
"Got anything exciting today?" Monica asks
"Nope" Antonio says as Monica gets a call
She answers it and puts it on loud speaker
"Hey Herrmann!" Monica says
"The guy that came into mollys last night" Herrmann says out of breath
"Yeah?" Monica says confused
"They let him go right?" Herrmann asks
"Unfortunately yes" Monica says looking at Antonio
"Well he's back and there 3 this time, there inside the firehouse!" Herrmann says as Monica's eyes widen
The call then cuts off
"We need to get to the firehouse now!" Monica says running in her car(it's one of the CPD cars)
They arrive and without thinking Monica runs in and Adam follows her
"What are you doing!" Monica whispers to Adam
"I couldn't let you do this alone" Adam says
"Act like firefighters make sure your gun and badge is hidden" Monica says
They walk in and the guys spots them
"What do you want princess?" The man shouts
"I'm a firefighter! What are you doing here?" Monica asks
"Who's the man?" The mans says pointing the gun at Adam
"He's my umm Husband" Monica says linking arms with him
"We came to pick up stuff from my locker" Monica says
"We'll go and don't come back!" The guys shouts
They quickly got to the locker room
"Sarg! We can get you in from the back" Adam whispers through the radio
"Go it you two sit tight!" Voight says

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