Chapter 17- Crazy ex boyfriend!

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Monica goes to run in but Jay holds her back
"Let me in Jay!" Monica says trying to push his hands away
"Hey hey! Calm down! Take a minute" Jay says calming Monica down
"No I done this to Adam! That's my crazy ex! He's only doing this to get back at me! Now let me go Jay" Monica says with tears in her eyes
"Not so powerful now Monica!" Jerry shouts
"I swear to god Jerry! You were never happy! You took everything you had and treated it like crap including me! No wonder I left you!" Monica shouts
"Careful! I wouldn't want dreamy eyes over here to have his head blown off" Jerry says adjusting his gun
"You do that and you'll be next! I'll make sure you don't wake up!" Monica says
"A detective threatening a civilian! Wow Monica! You've really dropped that low!" Jerry shouts
As quick as she can Monica bolts in the house
"Monica!" Jay shouts. She bursts through the door and sees Adam tied up
"Going against your Sargent! Nothings changed!" Jerry says
"Ohh so that's what this is about! It's about Greg!" Monica shouts
"You never mention his name!" Jerry shouts angrily
"What happened to him was no one's fault!" Monica says
"If you hadn't ignored your Sargent then he would still be here!" Jerry shouts
"No he wouldn't have! He ran in before me! He was trying to save you" Monica says as Jerry's face falls
"Yeah! He thought you were in there! But you weren't you lied! If it was anyone's fault it was yours! Now let Adam go!" Monica says as Jerry turns round. As he turns round Monica kicks his back causing him to fall to the ground. She puts her foot on his back and holds her gun up to his face
"You move and I'll pull the trigger!" Monica shouts
Voight and Jay run in and take Jerry away. Monica runs over to Adam and unties him.
"I'm so sorry!" Monica says hugging him
"Hey it's okay! There's no harm done!" Adam says wrapping his arms around her
"I don't deserve you!" Monica says giving him a kiss
Adam heads down to med to get checked out and Monica drives back to the district.
"I'm doing the interview!" Monica says
"I don't think" Voight says before Monica stops him
"No im doing it! Okay?" Monica says
"Okay" Voight says with a sigh
She walks in to the room and Jerry is handcuffed to the Pole.
"I understand this isn't the first time this has happened!" Monica says looking at him dead in the eye
" I don't know what your talking about" Jerry shouts
"Really? What about these?" Monica says putting pictures of previous police reports
"You just got out of jail 2 weeks ago! For holding people hostage! And yet you do it again" Monica asks
"They let me out didnt they?" Jerry says smartly
"No this time though! It's one thing to hold someone hostage but a detective! That will add on a few years! Then there's the possession of a gun! That will add on a few years" Monica says sitting down
"Fine! Okay! Maybe I did!" Jerry confesses
"Great that's all I need!" Monica says walking out

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