Chapter 14- Helping the firehouse

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Monica and Adam make there way back to the common room
"What the hell are you two still doing here! I gave you the chance to run!" The man shouts
"We can't leave just yet! We only just got on shift!" Monica says smiling
The man then walks into the apparatus floor.
"I want everyone in bodens office now!" Harper says quietly
"Come on follow me!" Ruzek says walking into Bodens office
The man from last night then spots Monica
"What are you doing here you little brat! I thought you were a cop!" The man says slapping her
"I don't know what your talking about!" Monica says tacking him to the ground
"Move an inch and I swear to god!" Monica says as she handcuffs him
"Now where are your buddy's?" Monica asks
"I'm not telling you" The man says all smart
Monica then digs the back of her heel into his back
"Ahhh! Fine! There in the bathroom and the sleeping rooms!" The man cries out
Monica then makes her way there joking up her gun. She opens the door to see a man planing a bomb in the bathroom. Her eyes widen as she sees it luckily the man didn't catch her so she slowly backs away
"Sarg I'm gonna need you to roll the bomb squad down here, we have a bomb that could take out the whole block" Monica says through the radio
"Copy that!" Voight says
Monica then burns through the doors and the man tries to shoot Monica but she luckily dodges it. She then shoots the man in the leg to find out that the bomb is gonna go off any minute now
"Sarg this bomb is gonna go off, tell me what to do!" Monica says
"Here I'll put the bomb squad on" Voight says
"Okay you need to be really careful, first of all I need you to cut a green wire" the bomb man says
" wire" Monica says to herself before cutting a green wire
Just then someone bursts through the door
"Monica!" Adam shouts
"Shhh! Don't move an inch Adam!" Monica says
"What the hell are you doing!" Adam says
"Trying to deactivate a bomb" Harper says giving out a nervous laugh
"Okay Monica! Now you have to cut a red and yellow wire" the bomb man says
"Got it" Monica says as she cuts the wire
"Now I need you to be really careful and turn the bomb over and place it on the ground" the bomb man says through the radio
"Okay...turn it...gentle" Monica says to herself
"Careful Monica!" Adam says
Monica then turns the bomb and slowly places it on the ground
"It's now or never, the next wire your going to cut may take out the block, there should be two wires is that correct?" The bomb man says
"That's correct" Monica says
"Now we don't know what one will take out the whole block and what one won't do it's up to you Monica" the bomb man says
"Okay... there's a blue one and a purple one" Monica says to herself
She then cuts the purple one and closes her eyes.

The 3rd Dawson Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora