Chapter 41- Back to Normal...Well as normal as it can get in Chicago

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After being at home for a few weeks taking care of Anna. Monica is finally going back to work and Anna is going to school. She drops Anna off at school before heading to the district with Jay. She walks in
"The witch is back!" Kevin shouts
"Very funny! But I'm back and better than ever!" Monica shouts
"How is going with Anna?" Adam asks
"It's going great! She's settling in well!" Jay says
"We've just had word that there's men with guns at Chicago Elementary!" Voight says walking out of his office
"That's Anna's school!" Monica says grabbing her jacket and running out
The intelligence unit race to the scene and without anyone being able to stop her Monica runs in.
"Monica!" Jay shouts
Monica arrives inside and gets to a classroom which just so happens to be Anna's classroom. They all jump as she opens the door
"Hey it's okay! I'm a Detective!" Monica says getting low
"Mum!" Anna says hugging her
"Oh my gosh!! She just called me mum!" Monica thinks
"I'm gonna need fire to inflate an air bag over the first floor window!" Monica says over the radio
Seconds later the air bag is inflated and the children jump out one by one. Monica manages to get all of the children out of the first floor and out to safety.
"Do we have a location on the men?" Voight says through the radio
"Second floor Sarg!" Monica says
Monica carefully makes her way up the stairs. At the top of the stairs she discovers a man holding a gun. He turns around and goes to shoot Monica but she gets their first and shoots him. She can hear other men coming so she hides. The men then go away and she walks up the stairs quietly. She sneaks into another classroom to discover a bomb in the middle of the room
"Sarg! I'm gonna need you to roll bomb squad to our location" Monica says through the radio
"Copy that!" Voight says
"Okay no one move! I need you all to stay as still as you can" Monica says
"What's the ETA on the bomb squad?" Monica asks through the radio
"10 minutes! But we need eyes inside Monica!" Voight says
"I've got eyes! There's 2 men with guns on the top floor and you guys can easily take them out! Get the kids out but I need this bomb deactivated!" Monica says
"Copy that!" Voight says as they run in
They take the 2 men out in handcuffs and get all the children out. There's still a couple of minutes until bomb squad get here
"Okay guys! There's gonna be some men that come in here but there only going to help okay?" Monica says as they all nod their heads
The bomb squad run through the door but stop when they see the bomb
"It's targeted on you Monica! If you move then this building blows up!" The bomb man says

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