💎Grim......?: Part 51💎

Start from the beginning

"Ayup! We live in the modern age here at Twisted Wonderland. Technology and Magic are combined here." Y/n said to Luz.

"I wish Eda, King, Gus, Willow, and Amity would see you too. You guys could all be great friends!" Luz smiled. "They'll be sure to eat their words if the see you and not some dream!"

"Maybe I can show you my friend here... Give a me a sec!" Y/n said to Luz. "Hey, Hooty! Owlbert! I've got someone to show you!" Hooty soon flew down with Owlbert close behind.

"What's up Y/n- AH! WHAT THE BLISS??" Hooty hooted out.

"No way! You have a Snowy Owl named Hooty! We have a Hooty at the Owl House too! But he's a bit..... Strange. Stranger than strange. Trust me." Luz said to Y/n.

"Hooty, this is Luz, the one I've been talking about before." Y/n introduced Hooty to Luz. "And Luz this is my Familiar, Hooty."

"Nice to meet you, Hooty!" Luz said to Hooty.

"Like wise." Hooty hooted out.

"And this is-"

"OWLBERT!? What are you doing there!?" Luz yelled out.

"Hoo!!" Owlbert jumped for joy when he saw Luz again. "Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!"

"He said that he missed you and Eda." Y/n translated for Luz.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo." Owlbert hooted to Luz.

"He also says that it's been centuries since he last saw you and Eda." Y/n said to Luz.

"Centuries....?" Luz soon gasped. "I'M IN THE FUTURE!!! Well, I'm seeing the future that is. Haha!"

"Wait, does that mean your from the past?" Y/n asked.

"I guess so!" Luz shrugged lightly. "By the way, why is Owlbert there with you in Twisted Wonderland?"

"Sam told me that Eda was known at the Owl Lady Of The North here. So that could mean she knows how to get here! Maybe not know in your time but sooner or later she'll know how!" Y/n said to Luz.

"That's so cool!!!" Luz beamed. "Wait, how do you know Eda?"

"Should I spill the beans?" Y/n asked her two Owls. They nodded as Y/n looks back at Luz. "Eds is my great ancestor." Luz gasped.

"I'm friends with Eda's descendant!!" She squealed. "This is the best day of my life!!!"

"I also have one more friend to introduce to you, Luz." Y/n said to Luz. She was about to call for him but he wasn't there. "Grim...?" Y/n rushed out of her room and looked all over for Grim in Ramshackle but he wasn't any where to be seen. She soon returned to her room. "Grim isn't here at all...."

Something happened. Her vision blurred as flashes of memories happened. An ebony carriage..... The gates of Night Raven.... An Overblot Monster that resembles Grim.....

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Luz's voice snapped Y/n back to reality.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. This has become a norm for me." Y/n reassured Luz.

"Are you sure? You look pale." Luz asked.

"I have a bad feeling....." Y/n muttered out.

"Something must've happened to who ever this Grim Character is of yours." Luz said to Y/n. "I wish I could help but...." She knocks on the glass again. Y/n nodded. "Go and find your friend! We'll talk some other time. Now, Go!"

"Thank you Luz. Hooty, Owlbert, help me out. See you next time." The two owls nodded as the mirror's dim light slowly drifted off.

The remaining Ramshackle residents scattered everywhere to find Grim. Then, Y/n went to the Purple Stage...

"Grim!!! Where are you.....!?" Y/n shouts echoed throughout the large area. She heard digging behind her. A few feet away.

"Here it is..... I found it... Heeheehee..." Y/n snapped her head to the direction of the familiar voice. "It hot buried... When the stage was fixed...." Crunching. The sounds of crunching made Y/n feel tense. "......... Tasty....." Her eyes widened when she locked into the figure.

"Grim.....? I-Is that you bud?" Y/n mumbled out to the figure.

"Ugh...... Ugh......" It turned around. It was Grim but he looked.... Different. "Who is it's!? Grrrr..... This is.... MY STONE!!" Grim pounced on Y/n as he slashes her with his now sharp claws. Y/n blocked his scratches with her arms as she stumbled back and falling on the floor. Her arms had light scratches on them. Nothing deadly, but they sure hurt.

"Grim it's me! Don't you remember!?" Y/n yelped out. Grim look hesitant but shock it off.

"GRRRRRRRR~~~~!!" He growled at her, sending a direct hit on the girl with some magic before running away. Y/n's vision started to blurry. Her eyes feeling heavy. She blurted out one lats things.


Darkness. That's all what happened left.


In Ignihyde, Idia's room, the Shroud brothers talk about what happened today.

"Ah, I've used up all my energy for today." Idia sighed.

"You did a great job, brother! Your presentation was amazing!" Ortho said to Idia.

"Using the synthetic voice to create a smooth talk. No look typing, all perfect combo, it's the stage of my super play." Idia said proudly.

"I believe the exclusive committee, Riddle Rosehearts will be proud if you." Ortho laughed.

"If I put a little effort, it's so easy for me to create these things..... Heehee!" Idia chuckled. "... Well, even though I immediately rushed to my room after Q&A section is over."

"Yoy should look around the Festival too." Ortho said to his brother.

"This Festival is full with the research presentation and artwork of high school students.... All of them are so low level, it's not fun to look around...." Idia sighed.

"Oh? Y/n's performance at VDC was amazing to watch." Ortho said to Idia.

"Besides that...." Idia mumbled. A notification pinged in Idia's computer.

"You have received a new mail." Ortho said. "It's the intern invitation letter firm the company that watches your research presentation just now. I.T., Communication, Sorcery Engendering, Application Development.... Ah! Wow, brother! The Olympus Company sends you an invitation letter too!! Do you want me to open the mail on the monitor? Or do you want me to read for you?"

"No need. Just delete it all." Idia said to Ortho.

"Eh? But...."

"It's fine. Since I won't be able to go anywhere." Idia said to Ortho.

💎End Of Episode 5: The Beautiful Oppressor💎

To Be Continued In...

"My first day at Night Raven Collage! This we'll be fun!"

"Diasomnia? Wonder who'll I'll meet there..."

"This world is full of mystery and I'm ready to go head first in this adventure!"

"No Retreat, Never Surrender!"

💮Origins: A Step Through Fate💮

"Take my hand and never let go!"

God, my tears! Anyway. I hope you enjoyed Pomefiore's Episode! And, I can not wait to start this new episode off as a backstory for the Mother's POV and the Father's POV. Because! ✨LORE✨

[Book 2] °It Was Never Meant To Be° •Twisted Wonderland X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now