Aradhya - Stepping Back In Time

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Aradhya Anirudh Roy Choudhary, formerly Aradhya Tripathi, was the daughter of Raghuvansh Tripathi, a powerful as well as corrupt man, and the late wife of Anirudh Roy Choudhary, a Barrister by profession. Aradhya, as a kid, saw her father assaulting her mother. Her mother was dominated by her father at every aspect. This created a sense of hatred in her mind for her father. As she was a girl, her father denied education for her. It was only for her mother's constant pressure on her father, that she was finally allowed to get educated. Her mother wanted her to get free from the golden cage that Raghuvansh had built for her and she knew that the sole key of that cage was education. She wanted Aradhya to get independent, so that Raghuvansh doesn't get to control her life. Her own life had already been destroyed the day she married that man but she never wanted her daughter to go through the same. Maturity came to Aradhya sooner than it should, she lost her mother at the tender age of 16. With her mother's demise, her schooling too came to a halt as Raghuvansh had no reason to make her study then. He felt that educating girls was fruitless and a waste of resources. Aradhya did try to oppose him but failed because at last he was her father and also since she was dependent upon him. Her mother had dreamt to see her daughter successful in life but she couldn't attain it. She had always seen her mother suffering and so she wanted to give her a better life but her wish couldn't be fulfilled. She wanted to study higher but wasn't allowed to. She felt very alone at that point of time. After her mother, she had no-one in her family on whom she could trust and rely upon. She had a father but he never treated her being one. That was when fate brought Anirudh for her, to help her get out of the clutches of that monster. During that time, Anirudh was suffering from a mental breakdown after his beloved mother Shubra's death. His mother died just after giving birth to the youngest Roy Choudhary, Bela. Anirudh was greatly affected as he was closest to his mother. He disconnected himself from the rest and went into depression. That was when he met Aradhya in some social event and that day seemed to be a turning point in his life. They had a normal conversation in which both of them opened their hearts to each other. Though they were strangers for each other, they felt a connection between them. They thought maybe it was because they had gone through the same pain of losing someone precious. That day both found a friend in each other. Anirudh felt relieved after conversing with her and even Aradhya did. After the day, they began meeting with each other often. While being with her, Anirudh used to forget about all his miseries, whereas Aradhya felt secure and protected near him. Within few months of their first meet, their bond started to grow stronger. They became each others' confidants, guide, closest ones and gradually, both fell for each other. Aradhya used to visit the Roy Choudhary's often. She had bulit a strong relation with them because of her sweet and warm nature. They saw her as their daughter. Both Aradhya and Anirudh used to share their thoughts and ideas about the inequality prevalent in the society. Since Aradhya had seen her mother's sufferings, she wanted to do something to change the status of women, so that no-one else gets to suffer like her mother had to. Anirudh, being a Barrister, graduated from London, also dreamt of an indiscriminative society. After knowing that her father was against her getting educated, Anirudh even tried to convince Raghuvansh to let her study but his efforts went in vain as Raghuvansh didn't pay any heed to him and instead questioned about his relation with her. It was impossible for the society to accept the friendship of a boy and a girl in that era and so it was obvious for their relation to get questioned. Soon their friendship became an eyesore for Raghuvansh. He felt that Anirudh was feeding stuff and nonsense in his daughter's mind and that was why she was opposing his decision of not letting her study. He concluded that ending their friendship would also be an end to her protests, as after him, she had no-one who could support her. Taking this decision, he banned Aradhya from going outside so that she doesn't get to meet him. He then fixed her marriage with one of his friend's son without even taking her consent. Anirudh was heart-broken when he got the news of her marriage getting fixed. He didn't want to loose her. He knew that Raghuvansh was forcing her in this marriage and so he, along with his family went to Raghuvansh's house to ask for Aradhya's hand in marriage. They knew he won't agree with them and that's why they asked about Aradhya's consent. When she was asked about it, she chose to fly from her father's golden cage with Anirudh's help. She decided to leave her father's house for him. Raghuvansh couldn't deny to the Roy Choudharys. The situation was not in his hand so at last, he had to agree with them. His prestige was hurt that day. The Roy Choudharys took away his rights on his own daughter. Along with Aradhya, they also took away his esteem, pride, everything. On that day, he broke all his ties with her. He denied her as his daughter. Aradhya wasn't sad about leaving her father's place because she knew that it was not less than a hell. In fact, she was happy to get out of it. The Roy Choudharys accepted her with open arms. Soon both of them tied their knot with each other. Though Raghuvansh was invited, he didn't make his appearance in the wedding, as that would have hurt his prestige. Anirudh was the happiest on that day. A constant smile was plastered on his face, after all he was marrying the love of his life, his Aradhya. And same was with her, she wasn't able to believe that her dreams had finally come true. She felt as if it was some fairytale, where she was the fairy and Anirudh, her prince had saved her from the clutches of a monster. Both took the pheras hand in hand and promised each other of life long togetherness and never ending love. Anirudh knew about her determination to fulfill her mother's dream and so after their marriage, instead of starting his family life with her, he chose to support her in her dream. He resumed her studies. He told her his dream of seeing her as a successful Barrister. That day, it became her dream too. She pledged to make him as well as her mother proud. She felt blessed to get such a supporting husband like Anirudh and a loving family like the Roy Choudharys. She loved Anirudh, would definitely be an understatement. She worshiped him. He was her saviour. She considered him as her world, her everything. Because of him, she got a father in Trilochan Kaka, a younger brother in Somnath and a daughter in Bela. Yes, she loved Bela like her own daughter. She fulfilled the duties of a mother for her. Bela was just an infant at that time. However, with Binoy she couldn't establish a very strong relation like that with Trilochan Kaka. But still they shared a decent relation of a father-in-law and a daughter-in-law. Trilochan Kaka had got his Kushal grihlakshmi in her, who could unite the family and shape the relations beautifully. It was the perfect family of which Aradhya had always dreamt. She was satisfied in her life. However, there was this fear which always haunted her, the fear of losing her perfect family. She never wanted to loose them at any cost. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Anirudh. But it seemed like the fate couldn't see her happiness. Just after 3 years of their marriage, Anirudh lost Aradhya in a misfortune. The family was devasted after her death. Gloominess entered their lives and seemed to never leave. The family that was once perfect, couldn't even be called as a family now. The relations began falling apart. Anirudh distanced himself from everybody and began spending all his time in recalling his moments with Aradhya. He even stopped practicing barristry. His whole life now circulated around her memories. Trilochan Kaka became worried about him. It seemed that he wasn't interested in life anymore, he had no reason to be. He was on the verge of getting into depression once again but the little angel, Bela clutched his hands and pulled him out of the darkness which he had created for himself. She made him believe in life once again. Her innocence made Anirudh smile. In all the ruckus, which life had created for him, he used to find his solace only with her. Slowly, they bonded so well that he not only became her brother but also her friend, father, confidant and a lot more. Life had already snatched two of the most precious people from him. And so he was afraid of losing her too. She was the last reason for him to live. That was why he treasured her like a valuable object. She was his mom ki gudiya. Anirudh never showed his pain in front of her but inside, he felt empty. With Aradhya, he lost a part of himself. Raghuvansh did attend Aradhya's funeral but after that the Roy Choudhary's never kept any contact with him. He still had the fire of revenge burning in his heart. They had hurt his pride, how could he forget that? The mention of the Roy Choudhary's after a long time, made him remember the humiliation he had to face because of them. And that was why he ended up attending the samaroh and provoked Anirudh. He wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Doing this, he not only revenged the RCs but also his new found enemy, Bondita.

I hope your doubts reagarding Aradhya's character have got cleared in this part. N sorry for not mentioning the exact cause of her death, it'll be revealed in the upcoming chaps ♡

And ya, there's more to see in Aardhya's family! ;-)

Next part will be updated by tomorrow or day after tomorrow, depending on how much time I'll be taking to write it.. :-P

Muah ♡

- Abha ♥

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