"Trust me, Merlin. The tournaments are far less cruel than what Ronon will do if he figures out who Arthur is. Torture is too kind of a word," I croak. I close my eyes tightly, trying to banish the sudden screams filling my mind.

A long pause falls between us, Merlin deep in thought. Merlin would turn to Gaius for advice in this case, but Gaius is not here. We have to rely on each other now if we want to escape.

Merlin joins me by the fireplace, slumping in a chair, defeated. "So what? We just let them fight?"

"That's all we can do. Or at least until we devise a plan", I offer, eyes distantly staring into the fireplace. I need to start scheming, thinking like I used to.

"Like what?"

"If we could find a way to distract Ronon, a way to get all the attention elsewhere. We might be able to break Arthur and the knights out. But then we have to get out of this place. And once we do that, we have thick timber and forest to worry about before Ronon sets his trackers and dogs on us.

"It's a plan that is going to take time. We'll have to observe the place. Learn the daily rounds of guards. Ronon's tendencies. Blaze's. You name it. So yes. The knights are going to have to fight...at least until the time is right."

Silence falls once more, Merlin calculating over my words. I've never seen the warlock look so lost and helpless. He knows his destiny. He just doesn't know how to fulfil it.

Merlin sighs. "Okay. But you're going to need to lead the way."

"I know."

"How much power do you think you still have around here?"

His words unsettle me. I have almost no power "Enough", I lie.

A sombre silence falls over the room. We both watch the flames dance in the fireplace, tired and defeated. I pace along the wall, letting my hand run over the cold stone walls. They are full of memory, but they don't feel like my own. It's as though I remember the life of another, the girl I was, far from the woman I am now.

My feet pause as my fingers brush over an engraving in the wall—blood hammers in my ears. I run my hand over it once more. Legs now heavy, I sink to the floor, hand still placed upon the carving.

The symbol becomes clear in my vision. My heart swells in love for the significance—a shiver of recognition and solace.



The distant memory reignites the ache in my chest. Grief for Tyrant rips over me like a wave, tearing apart my insides. Tears well in my eyes, bringing a soft sob to my lips. In the grief, moulds resentment.

I will get justice for Tyrant. Mark my words, I will not let Ronon kill any more of my friends. My family.

I stand, tears drying on my cheeks as a new spark ignites inside me.

"I'll have a meeting with Ronon later. I'll request to speak with him. Win him over enough to give me my privileges around here." My voice croaks from tears fallen—a snarl rippling in the back of my throat.

"Okay," Merlin whispers.

I have determination, and I am willing to do whatever it takes with it.

"I'm going to need you to stay here until I say otherwise", I command, gesturing around the room.

"Why?" Merlin rebuttals, instant refusal taking his face.

"Well, for starters. You're going to be seen as meat in a place like this. Which means you'll be a target. Second, we can't have you using magic. So, you only leave this room if you're with me. Understand?"

The Red Knight - Merlin BBC [2]Where stories live. Discover now