"WOAHH that would be dope as hell", Kaminari and Mina exchanged excited gestures and Costa grinned like an idiot. She'd considered those two crackheads her closest friends so far, their carefree and friendly attitudes drawing her in like a moth to a bright light.

A bright light.

"Have you two ever liked each other?", Costa asked with a sly smirk, already knowing the answer but deciding to tease them about it anyways. Mina and Kaminari shared a look before they burst out laughing. Costa's grin grew as they slapped the counter, playfully pushing each other with their fists.

"HA- ha yeah right...", Kaminari clutched his stomach with one hand and wiped away an invisible tear with the other.

"Y-you think-", Mina gasped for air, "I'd ever settle for HIM! HA!"

Kaminari fake gasped in offense, shoving her hard and knocking her onto the kitchen floor. Mina landed on her butt with an 'oof', looking up at Kaminari with the evilest smirk Costa had ever seen on her pink friend's face. Mina lunged for Kaminari, "Oh you're gonna get it!"

"NO HELP", Kaminari dodged her before running out of the room, screaming like a little girl as Mina chased him outside. Costa laughed, shaking her head slowly at the two child-like teenagers.

"They're a lot sometimes but you get used to it", Sero chirped up, sidling up to Costa with a friendly look on his face. Costa grinned, a pretty laugh falling from her lips when Kaminari tried to jump over the couch and caught his foot on one of the cushions, causing him to faceplant onto the common-room floor.

It didn't take long before Mina was cackling and Iida was yelling at them, waving his robot arms in the air wildly.

"It's refreshing", Costa said with a sigh, leaning her cheek against her fist as she supported herself on the kitchen island. Sero nodded in agreement, cracking open his soda and taking a swig. He caught Costa eyeing his drink from his peripheral vision and pulled back, "You want one?"

"Sure, what flavor?"

"Orange vanilla cream", Sero said, examining the ingredients on the back of his can before swiveling toward the fridge, swinging the door open. Cost hummed in response, lazily rolling her head to the side to watch him grab another soda for her, "Sounds good, thanks."

He tossed it to her and she caught it swiftly.

"So is your room all set up?", Sero asked, leaning his hip against the counter as Costa cracked open her drink and took a sip.

She hummed in delight and Sero fought back a smile.

"Not completely. I still have to unload some boxes", she said with a look of irritation on her features, wanting to spend her first evening hanging out with her new classmates instead of unpacking. Sero nodded with an amused glint in his eyes, understanding her discontent. Just as he was about to reply, Kirishima stepped into the kitchen, a red headband around his forehead and sweat drenching him from head to toe.

"Oh hey Kiri", Costa smiled at him as he approached them, "Did you have a nice workout?"

"Oh yeah", he said a bit breathlessly, "It's beautiful out. Bakugou and I ran 3 miles and then did weights for like an hour"

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora