-chapter 22-

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"This is really good Maggie." I praise, swallowing yet another mouthful of the meal. For vegan food, this shit is good.

I've been forcing myself to eat this,not wanting to seem ungrateful. I'm just happy the meal is something good. Makes it that tiny bit easier to force a smile.

"You're too kind." Maggie smiles, shaking her head. "Anyways Lynx, tell us a bit about yourself."

I hate when people ask this because it puts me on the spot. I'm not good with pressure. Not to mention there is literally nothing interesting about my life.

So I stick to the basics.

"Oh, uh, well I'm from England, I actually travelled here by myself." I state, earning a look of interest from Maggie.

"Why did you come here in the first place? I imagine there are plenty of great schools in England."

I feel Billie's eyes shoot to me.

"Well I uh-" as hard as I try I can't think of a believable excuse.

"Hey, Mom." Billie says, grabbing her Mother's attention. " How's work going?"

That girl has quick thinking. Parents being asked about their lives is like Christmas to them.

"Oh, well you know, same old same old but I wouldn't say bad."

I mouth Billie a quick thank you to which she responds with a smile. I had taken a big leap of faith telling Billie about Chelssy. After all, I never even told Xanon. But I trust her and she needs to know that.

"What do you do for work Maggie?" I ask, finally getting my chance to wrap my head around where these guys get all their money from.

"Oh, well I'm actually a film director. Interestingly enough, I started out with acting but I always found what the crew did fascinating so I went to college and made my way up to directing." She says. I can tell she's quite proud of this accomplishment.

"That's really interesting." I smile. "What about you?" I ask, turning to Patrick.

"I'm a carpenter." He laughs. "Not that interesting but it pays the bills."

"I think you mean I pay the bills." Maggie smirks, making me chuckle.

"I'll tell you what Billie." Maggie says,now speaking to her daughter. "You really hit the jackpot with this one. Lynx is so polite."

I feel myself blush as I look at Billie. Forcing myself not to get lost in her eyes.

I was right earlier, they're a shade of steel blue, not exactly soft but nothing too hard either.

"How did you guys meet anyways?" Finneas asks with a slight smirk. "You've never mentioned her before."

Obviously Billie's parents have no idea of their daughters little visits to the house so clearly they had no idea I've already met Finneas and no idea of just how much Billie has told him about me.

I notice Finneas flinch slightly, probably a reaction from Billie kicking him under the table.

I have to agree, it was quite a shitty move but sibling things I guess.

"School." Billie says cooly. Not wanting to longer around this topic for too long.

I think we both know why.


"Your family's really sweet." I smile, looking up at the ceiling.

It's around 11pm and we're drifting between the lines of consciousness.

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