-chapter 14-

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We finish breakfast, both of us parting ways once we finished which finally gives me the time to sneak away to a bathroom and throw up the contents of my stomach.

It's not like I haven't done this before so it was easy.

Then I scraped through the day as if nothing had happened.

Luckily, I never saw Xanon or Mat. Though this meant that the only 'close' friend I had was Billie.

Would I consider her a close friend?

Anyways, it's now fourth period which just so happens to be P.E. If I'm being honest, I really don't have the energy or motivation to do anything but if I skipped, I would just be sat alone for two hours.

Plus, P.E is one of the rare lessons Billie actually attends and I can't help but want to spend some time with her.

Ew, why the hell am I so clingy?

"Okay girls, let's go." The coach calls out, blowing the whistle to signal the start of the game.

Everyone around me suddenly springs into action, charging to get the ball like a moth to light.

I don't exactly know how bad the first world war was but I'm sure that with the force my classmates have in american football, I'm sure they could of won it.

Realising that I'm actually meant to be contributing to this game, I follow my teammate's lead, never letting the ball leave my sight.

And believe me that hard to do when you have the huger of not eating all day taking control of everything you do.

If I'm being honest, I'm not interested in this game at all so i'm just sort of running around aimlessly, trying to make it look like I'm doing something.

However, this clearly isn't fooling Billie.

"Yo, Liliana, you alright?" She asks quickly, taking a second away from carrying the game for her entire team to check on me.

I nod weakly, not looking into her eyes. That's when I know everything would break.

"Yeah, just a bit tired." I lie, trying to make it sound believable.

Even though I can't see her, Billie sees right through it but decided not to question me any further and bounce back into the game.


By some higher power above, I manage to make it through the whole double lesson, forcing myself to suck it up.

"Hey." Billie says, catching up to me as I leave the locker room. "What was that back there?"

"Nothing, alright?" I say, my tone being more rude than I had intended.

"I know I barely take classes Liliana, but I'm not that stupid." She glares, cutting infront of me so that she blocks my path.

"Drop it Billie." I sigh, trying to walk around her but of course, her arm swings out so I'm trapped.

"I did drop it. I left it for the whole of that lesson but now I'm asking you to tell me what's wrong. I gave you time."

Even though I doubt Billie was intending to, she sounds very intimating.

It reminds me that Billie is still the girl that beat my up to no end.

But we've moved passed that. I understand it for the most part and it's unfair that I should put her down for that.

I don't let my gaze meet hers, keeping my head low as possible.

"Billie." I say quietly, getting mildly annoyed now. "Drop. It."

"Liliana-" She starts, but I cut her off.

"I SAID DROP IT!" I shout, finally looking up at her eyes only to push her into the wall, sending her tumbling to the floor.

Billie, clearly not expecting this, quickly flings her hands out to lessen the impact but she's too late, hitting the floor with a loud thud which echoes all the way down the empty corridor.

Did I just do that?

Why the fuck did I just do that?

I mean, I know lack of food cause make you cranky and have mood swings or whatever but it's only been a day.

Fuck, what did I just do?

Hurriedly, I rush over to Billie, a look of worry and panic flashing across my face.

"Billie I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too, I swear-" I apologise in a hurry, reaching out my arms to see if she's okay.

However, Billie pushes me away, now her turn to look annoyed.

But her expression is nothing like mine was.

When Billie's annoyed, it's obvious.

Her eyes go darker, her eyebrows furrow ever so slightly and she sends you a glare that would make fucking Dwayne Johnson run in fear.

That's why everyone so scared of her.

"Get off me." She growls, making the colour drain from my face. "Before you regret it."

In one, fast motion I back away, gulping nervously and the tears in my eyes now being there for a completely different reason.

"Billie I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that like I don't know what came over me I just-"

"Of course you know why you did that." She says, standing up and slowly walking towards me. "I don't appreciate when people lie to me Liliana."

And with that, she walks away, heading to fuck knows where.

I don't even attempt at running after her, standing frozen in shock in the middle of the hallway.

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a/n: short chapter im sorry but i have 3 3000ish words chapters in my drafts so y'all better get fucking readyyyy

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