-chapter 23-

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*billie's pov*

"Billie, Mom says breakfast is ready." Finneas calls from the door of my bedroom, waking me up.

I grab one of the mini pillows off my bed and throw it at him.

"I'm sorry for trying not to get you to miss out on pancakes." He scoffs, walking back down the hallway.

I just shake my head with a small laugh and turn over to face Liliana.

Sleep for her is a place if tranquility, rest. You could tell that just by looking at her face. It's always calm, as if she had no worries in the world.

But for me, sleep is a place to be scared of. I mean anyone should be, right? Your subconscious basically hallucinates and you live a complete lie for the night only to forget it in the morning.

Anyways, I need to stop being so melodramatic.

"Lily." I shake her softly awake, trying to be as gentle as possible. I always hate waking her up.

"Whatchuwant?" She mumbles, slowly peeling her eyes open.

"It's breakfast." I smile softly, taking in all of her features. She always looks so beautiful in the mornings.

Don't get me wrong, when she puts on all that makeup and shit on she still looks like a literal goddess but something about the natural Liliana juts makes me weak.

"Oh okay." She says, slowly sitting up. She stares at me for a moment, as if thinking about something.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something.

Last night I sort of kissed her. Not on the lips or anything, I'm not that fucking bold and out of nowhere but it just kind of hit me in the moment.

I can tell Lily definitely wasn't expecting it but I don't know, I wouldn't take it back.

"Uh anyways." I say, trying not to sound awkward. "I'll meet you in the kitchen."

She blinks as if she had zoned out and looks at me.

"Uh, yeah." She says quietly as I get up.

I flash her a small smile, stretching out my legs quickly before making my way to the kitchen, yawing slightly.

I'm greeted by the mouth-watering aroma of vegan pancakes, my Mom sorting them out onto plates.

"Morning." I say, rubbing my eyes as I sit down at the table next to my brother.

"Billie what do you want on your pancakes?" Mom calls, looking through our cupboards for various toppings.

"Do you have any of that like vegan white chocolate sauce?" I ask, peering over my brother's fat head.

Mom scans the cupboard quickly, nodding when she finds what I'm talking about.

"Oh, morning Lynx." Finneas says, greeting Liliana as she enters the room.

I don't say anything but instead just send her a warm smile, making her blush slightly.


"Honey, what do you want on your pancakes?" My Mom asks Liliana, noticably kinder than she asked me.

"Oh uh, I don't mind." She smiles, being the polite little British girl she is. Sometimes I wonder how we even became friends in the first place.

We're like complete opposites.

But you know what they say, opposites attract and shit. Maybe they attract too much.

I swear to God she's making me so soft, what is wrong with me?

𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 | 𝑩.𝑬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon