-chapter 4-

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"Okay class, let's get right into this." Mr Edwards instructs, coughing slightly to clear his throat.

It's currently 3rd period which just so happens to be music.

Even though this class hasn't even really started yet, it's already my favourite.

With my love of music and general, combined with the fact Mat and Xanon are both in this class with me, I couldn't ask for more.

"Okay so since this is Liliana's first lesson-"

I interrupt him mid sentence, raising my hand.

"Excuse me sir, but I prefer Lynx."

"Alright then. My apologies Miss Allan, I shall have that changed on the register. Okay, so as I was saying, since this is Lynx's first lesson, we will have to assign her an instrument to play. Do you have any experience playing anything Lynx?" Mr Edwards asks, sending a kind smile to me.

"Uh, yes actually, I can play piano, ukulele and guitar, Sir." I tell him, earning a teasing nudge from Xanon.

"Nerd." She whispers under her breath, making a small smile crack on my face.

"Oh, so the same as Miss Eilish, here." He smiles, turning his gaze to Billie, who scoffs.

That's actually kind of funny, I never would have guessed Billie to be someone who plays instruments as intimate as the Piano and guitar, let alone ukulele.

The teacher ignores her rudeness, passing me a keyboard.

"We'll assign you keyboard for now, just until we can get the pianos in here."

I nod appreciatively, running my fingers soundlessly along the keys, just familiarizing myself with the instrument.

I look around the room taking in all the students. It's crazy how each one of them can play instruments. How all of us can connect on one thing.

However, there's one person left in the room without one, just sitting freely on a stool.

"Hey Mat, why doesn't Billie have anything to play?" I ask quietly, ignoring whatever the teacher is babbling on about.

"Just wait." He smiles, sitting up in his chair.

Confused, I turn my attention back to Mr Edwards.

"So today we'll be playing a song that Billie actually wrote herself, by the name of 'Ocean eyes'. We have the sheets with music being passed around now."

Widening my eyes, I turn to Xanon.

"Billie writes songs?" I whisper-shout, my question being drowned out by the chatter of other students.

"That's not even the most surprising part." She smirks, passing me a sheet.

What are Mat and Xan on about?

The song actually looks pretty easy, the notes clear on the paper. Everyone gets set up, me scanning for accidentals before turning my keyboard on and awaiting further instructions.

Mr Edwards counts us in when everyone has calmed down, the entire room filling with the soft notes of the music.

The next thing that happens might have made me the most surprised I've been since like, ever.

Billie sits up in her stool and starts singing.

Like really well.

Like, heavenly.

Getting over my initial shock, I make sure to play all the notes, trying to grasp the fact that Billie can sing.

It's almost like when you see WWE fighters dance like ballet or some shit.

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