-chapter 8-

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I feel my stomach flip as Billie walks into the room, her appearance back to its normal, intimidating aura.

Is this really the girl that now, multiple times, has cried in my arms?

Is this the girl that beat me up to the point where it hurt to breathe?

Nothing really makes sense.

"Remember to blink." Xanon whispers teasingly in my ears, rolling her eyes.

I slap her playfully, tearing my gaze from Billie to her and Mat - who have both erupted into a fit of quiet  laughter.

"Shut up." I say, gritting my teeth.

"Chill, it's just a joke. Why the fuck would you like Billie? That girl has done nothing but make your life miserable." Mat shakes his head, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes.

Yeah, why on earth would I like Billie?

I force a slight laugh, trying to play the whole thing off as a joke. If the two found out that I actually like Billie, they would call me a physopath and take me to a fucking mental hospital.

"Please take your seats so I can begin todays lesson."

Mr Edwards walks into the classroom, breifcase in hand as he sits himself down at his desk.

The class settles down, all eyes turning to face out teacher. It isn't a secret that everyone everyone loves this lesson. Whether or not it's for the same reason I do - I don't know, but it's a fact.

"Miss Eilish, you have a song for us, I presume?" The teacher looks expectedly at Billie, who gives him a small nod before handing him several sheets if paper.

"Perfect." Mr Edwards gleams, passing round the copies of music to everyone. "I thought today would be a relaxed lesson, starting with the usual playing of Billie's song and just messing round with some other people's ideas."

The class breaks out into a quiet chat of appreciation, thanking the lord that we don't have to learn about fucking music theory or some shit.

I look at the sheet of music infront of me, quickly checking it over before propping it up on the music stand.

I'm excited to see what the lyrics are.

The class preps themselves, the slight rustle of paper sounding throughout the room before Mr Edwards leads is in, counting up from 1.

Relaxing, I let my fingers find the notes as I play them, gently pressing down on the keys.

After about 3 counts of 8, Billie leads in, her usual, husky voice singing the lyrics.

"Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Don't come back, it won't end well
But I wish you'd tell me to…"

I notice the usual waver to her voice as she pushed through the verse, her eyes closed as she sings.

As normal, I can't help but get mesmerised by the sound of her angelic voice.

Something about this time is different though, Billie's voice is filled with - what seems like - extreme passion.

Like she believes everything she saying, making me believe it too.

Our love is six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Would roses bloom?
Could roses bloom?

I definitely like Billie. I may of been somewhat unsure of it before but now I know for certain.

I don't care how stupid or illogical it is - it's true.

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