-chapter 16-

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*lynx's pov*

Sighing in defeat, I pull out my phone, already mad that I care this much about someone who completely disregarded my feelings and turned themselves into the victim.

I know this is a bad idea but if I'm being honest, those two are my only real friends aside from Billie.

I know this is a bad idea but if I'm being honest, those two are my only real friends aside from Billie

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I stare at my screen in anticipation, waiting for him too respond.

I know Mat's mostly on my side. I know he thinks Xan's being crazy but at the end of the day,they've been friends much longer than I have so he's clearly going to play her side until we make up.

If we ever make up.

Suddenly the three little dots appear in the left hand corner of my screen, indicating Mat is typing.

fine, come over. but don't come crying to me when this all goes to shit.

Little passive aggressive, but I'll take it.

Grabbing my lanyard of the nightstand, I hurriedly attempt to make myself look presentable before I leave the dorm room, aware that I currently look like shit.

The door opens, making me jump but only to realise it's Billie. I swear to God, sometimes I forget that she can be spontaneous and that she can just come back here whenever she wants.

"Why are you back early?" I ask, pulling my long, silver hair out from underneath the string of my lanyard.

"Where are you going?" Bil asks, ignoring my question as she closes the door, once again letting her red lights dominate the room.

"To Xanon's." I reply cooly, taking a breath as if to convince myself this is all going to be okay. This is all going to work out.

Billie studies my face with a look of confusion and worry on her face. At least, that's what I think it is.

I can never tell with his girl.

"I don't think that's a good idea Liliana." She shakes her head, walking over to her vanity where she proceeds to take off all her heavy jewelery, the metal clinking as it hits the surface.

"I can't lose her Bil." I say sadly, watching as the girl gets ready for bed, taking off her bandana and tying her teal hair up into a messy bun.

She lets out a sigh, looking up to meet my eyes.

"If it's what you want, go do it. Just please be careful." She says softly, an urgent tone woven into her voice.

I just nod in response, sending her a small smirk before I exit the room, hurriedly walking all the way across the corridor and down the stairs to Xan's floor.

A trip that I have made far to often in the few weeks I've been here.

Pausing momentarily before I knock on the door, I prepare myself for whatever is about to go down.

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