She really is the most horrific thing to exist.

I should have snuffed her out instead of Miss Chungha. At least with her, there was some kind of respect, some kind of fear around my presence but Miss Jessi is nothing but a cockroach that deserves to get stomped on.

       I suppose someone needed the reminder, "Jessica, stop panicking please." I stand up as I glare at her. That's it, step away from me. "I did my job when you called me in a frenzy that night. I did my job and steered any evidence away from you. Please do not demand anything of me. Consider this a warning."

The sternness to my voice forces her to shoot me a perplexed glance. She doesn't know what to do.
I'm sure she's aware of what I'm capable of and I assure this by reminding her that she was the one who put her husband in further danger.

I might have been the one to end Chungha but she doesn't need to know that.

I wouldn't have been forced to watch her take her last breath underneath my tight grip around her slender and beautiful neck if it wasn't for Miss Jessi.
She didn't deserve to know anything I didn't deem as worthy information.

She put herself in that situation, over a man no less, and got herself into a catfight.

Honestly, what I wouldn't have given to be a fly in that bathroom stall. I'm sure it was hilarious to see two defenseless women go at it; tearing at each other's hairs until one got shoved too harshly and the back of her head met the hard surface of a stone-based sink.

I did my job. I moved the body that night. I calmed Miss Jessi down. I kept her secret from her husband. I planted the fake evidence to assure she would be alright. I did my job. She should be kissing my feet right now, Jackson too.

       "I know you told him." She whimpers into a whisper and I ask her to repeat herself. "He retracted his confession."


       "How is that good?"

       "Because he didn't touch Chungha. Shouldn't take the fall for something his dumb, jealous, and rage-filled cunt of a fiancé did."

Clap. The harsh sting of her palm hitting my cheek takes me aback momentarily as I contemplate how to approach this blatant act of disrespect.
Had this been your hand, I would have formed a fist and made you taste your own medicine.

You shouldn't lay your hands on someone unless provoked. And my God, Miss Jessi is getting on my last nerve.

However, she isn't mine. I can't touch her. I can't do anything to her. I wish to God I could though. I bet she would look amazing with her nose broken. But I can't touch her. I'm powerless and it downright pisses me off she knows it too.

If I didn't need the Styles' money and protection to assure my freedom and safety, I would have climbed on top of this bitch and bash her head in.

She's nothing like you, Bambi. No woman is. You knew your place. You were perfect. I hardly touched you in the ways I fantasized about. You were close to perfection with your sincerity, innocence, and above all, the willingness to appease me.

God, I miss you every day. I think about you every day. Please, tell me I sometimes appear in your heart too.

I regret ever hurting you. My pain was misplaced then but I see now what I must do to get you back. And I will get you back; some way, somehow.

We belong together.

It was fate that brought you into my life. Destiny blessed our relationship a million times over but my foolish ways ruined any hopes of us rekindling our relationship.

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