Chapter 4: amazing hugs

Start from the beginning

"I got you some- Hey! Get back into bed!" He stood with a water bottle and pack of crisps in hand. He's so sweet. He put them down and ran over to me, grabbing my arm to make sure I stayed up.

"I'm fine Tom, thank you." I chuckled and walked back over to sit on the bed. "The ambulance just pulled up by the way."

"Thank god! I don't know if I can do this maid thing any longer." He pretended to wipe sweat off his head.

"Don't be dramatic! Plus I didn't ask you for any of this!" I laughed.

"I couldn't leave a fan to get trampled on could i?" He laughed and then gave a sweet smile.

"Well, thank you. For the 100th time." I chuckled.

"That's alright love." He grinned.


I smiled and we heard a knock at the door.
Tom went to open it and I heard quick conversation between him and who I assumed was a nurse. The nurse walked in and smiled at me.

"Hello y/n, I'm Chris. How are you feeling?"

"Still rough but I'm actually awake!" I laughed.

"She's been so strong, she got up a couple minutes ago. I told her to stay put but she didn't." Tom said chuckling but with a worried face as Chris made his way over to me.

"Well you seem to be doing great, especially since you were passed out for so long. I'll just do some quick check ups but from what I can see you just need to be on bed rest for a couple of days. Have you got a friend that can look after you?"

"Yeah I do- OH MY GOD!" It hit me that I hadn't called Maya yet. Oh she's probably so worried. I jumped up, frantically trying to find my phone. I still felt dizzy but I didn't care.

"Y/n? Hey love, you need to sit down. Tell me what's wrong." Tom brought me back to the bed.

"Please just get me my phone!" I didn't mean to sound to rude but I just needed Maya.

"Okay okay, here."

I frantically unlocked my phone, hoping Tom didn't see he was my Lock Screen. I clicked Mayas name and she picked up after the first ring.


"Hey hey hey I'm so sorry. Long story short, I passed out and I had to get help. I'm with a paramedic now and getting checked over-" I'd forgotten about Chris and looked over to him. He gave me a worrying smile. "-but I promise I'm okay. I'll message you in a bit and send you the address of where I'm at. God I'm so sorry Maya." I said very quickly.

"Oh my gosh! Okay, I'm still worried though. Can I come now?"

The situation was awkward as I didn't want to invade Toms privacy but I needed Maya.

"Yeah okay, I'll send you it now, I'll see you in a bit. I love you!"

"Love you too!"

I hung up and sent her the address of the hotel.

"I'm sorry Chris, I had completely forgotten about my best friend and knew she'd be panicking."

"It's alright but I really need to get you checked over."

I walked over and he began the basic procedures. I realised I had to let Tom know Maya was coming.

"Tom?" He looked up from the trance he had fallen into.

"Yes love?"

"I'm really sorry but I told my best friend Maya that she could come here. I'm so sorry it's a complete invasion of your privacy I just really need her right now."

He walked over and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey don't apologise! It's okay. You didn't tell her that I was here though, will she freak out?" He laughed.

"She loves you as an actor but she's, well, into women so she won't freak out like that." I laughed.

"Ah okay, well I look forward to meeting her! Do you need me to do anything else?"

"You've done enough Tom. I'm really thankful for everything." I grinned at him. I still felt weak but being in his presence just made me forget about everything.

"Don't worry about it! Happy to help!" He smiled. We held eye contact for a split second but pulled away when Chris spoke.

"As predicted, you just need to rest for a couple days and you'll be fine. I have to ask though, do you know why you passed out?"

I knew this would come up but I hoped it wouldn't. Well, I guess I've gotta tell them.

"I- um, I suffer from anxiety so when the crowd went crazy because of Toms arrival at the premiere, i panicked. I couldn't find Maya anywhere and I was getting shoved like crazy. I started to have a panic attack and next thing I know...I'm on the floor." I looked down in shame. I know i shouldn't be bothered by it but I can't help but feel stupid.

clarification: anxiety is not stupid, don't ever think that!

"Y/n, I- Im so sorry. It's all my fault!" I snapped my head up at him, his eyebrows pinched together in worry.

"Oh God Tom no! It's not your fault! I probably just shouldn't have come in the first place." I smiled weakly.

"Well still, I'm so sorry." He looked at me sadly. I don't know if it was the adrenaline or the fact that he just looked so upset but I stood up and hugged him. I realised what I had done but, I'd done it now. Couldn't exactly pull a Dr Strange and go back in time. He hugged me back tightly which made me whole body heat up.

Number one million of why he's so perfect; amazing hugs.

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