Chapter 11~ Pack A Bag Today

Start from the beginning

See u in the morning City Boy



School was surprisingly fun, everyone was all hyped up for the weekend. We also had some shocking news when we got there, Mason had asked out Laurel. She of course said yes. So that was going to make this weekend interesting. All of us girls are currently in Juliet's car on or way to the mall.

We walked into the mall and Laurel immeadiately pulled us into some stores look for swimming suits and new outfis to go with them. Juliet got a strapless, purple, blue, and leopard bikini. Laurel bought a orange string bikini, with beads around the neck. Tenley with much convincing decided on a blue polka dot bikini she hated that it was a bikini but we made her put up with it. Ashley tried on 4 different ones before picking a purple striped bikini. I decided on a white low cut bikini with blue flowers on it. I also bought a jean vest and jean shorts, to go with. We went into the bathroom after we payed and chaged into our swimsuits and then I put me jean shorts on, and I did the same with my vest but left the front open so you could see my stomach. We went back to the car and got all of our bags ready for the weekend.

We drove into th high school parking lot to wait, school didn't get out for another half hour. Ben however is dumb and leaves his car keys on his tire so we went and put our bags in the back seat. We layed down in the truck bed so that no one would see us tanning. The sun was so warm and we were almost asleep when Ben and the guys klunked their stuff in the back seat. We sat up just as they hopped I the truck. We were shocked to see that Ben was letting Mason drive his truck. And no surprise, Laurel was up there with him. Everyone else was piled in the truck bed, Mason had blasted the radio so no one could here what he and Laurel were talking about. I got a whistle from Ben and I shoved his arm.

"Damn you look sexy!" He said excitedly. I just shoved him harder and pulled him in for a nice long kiss.

It was an enjoyable and funny 3 hours and a half hours. Yes, it took and extra half hour because we had to stop 5 times. My friends are apparently not the brightest, every time we stopped they would buy something to drink and then in another half hour they would have to go on to the bathroom. Duh.

We arrived at the lake house around seven. This house was made out of a lot of glass and windows. It was a beautiful 5 bedroom and 6 bathroom home. Ben yelled and we all jumped when we entered the house.

"Okay, I made room assignements and I don't care what you say there will be no switching, got it?" He sounded harsh like a drill sargent but then lightened it when he winked at me.

"Good, Lennox and I get the master bedroom on the third floor, Mason and Laurel get the other room on the third floor, Asher and Ashley get a room on the second floor, Tenley and Jordan get the master bedroom on the second floor, and that leaves Shane and Juliet with the last room on the second floor. Now no one gets to switch, or blame me because the guys told me they were not going to room with other guys, so this is what you get stuck with."

"They did what!?!" Tenley exclaimed

"Yeah, we thought that meant we would get our own room not have to share with them!" Shane explained

"Well thats not what happened so suck it up." Ben scolded, man thats what I love about him. Wait did I just say that. Yeah I did and I mean it. I love Ben. We went up stairs to unpack, then I went downstairs after listening to Tenley's rant about how she should not have to sleep in the same bed as Jordan. She said she just doesn't feel comfortable with that, and because Jordan is quite the gentleman, he said that he would sleep on top of the covers. At least I didn't have to hear Tenley anymore! We walked outside and saw that Ben had started a campfire. The sun had gone done and we could only see by the light of the fire. After everyone was around the fire we started roasting marshmallows. Then I made them play a game that my parents used to make us play whenever they stated a campfire. The game was I am going on a trip and I am going to bring.......... in the game you had o pretend that you were going on a trip, amd you had to bring one thing from each letter of the alphabet. So you went in a circle and the first person said I am going on a trip and I am goin to bring a something that started with the letter a. Then the next person had to restate what the last person said and add the object that came with the next letter. Juliet started,

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