We're the same

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  W A R N I N G

Eloïse's POV

I woke up in another unfamiliar room. I couldn't remember when I fell asleep of unconscious. Just opening my eyes was killing me. I had no idea where I was, who brought me here and why was I here. Then I remember what happened before I fell asleep.

I killed someone...

No no no was it just a dream? I would be really happy if it was a dream but then I looked at my hands...blood was covering my skin. I was covered in blood and that was not my blood because I wasn't that injured. Yes i had a cut on my hand but it was impossible that it bled that much.

The room was dark. There was not a lot of light. It was cold and creepy, I wanted to get the hell away from here as fast as possible. I couldn't live with myself at the moment. I don't not what got I to me for being angry at the point of killing a women. Even if she kinda deserve. How could I let the rage control my body. I don't understand. Millions of questions were running in my mind and no one was able to answer them.

I noticed that I was sitting on a black couch. I quickly got up and looked around the room. I saw a large bed and a desk. It looked like it was someone's bedroom. There was one corner of the room that I couldn't see die to the darkness and the shadow. I spotted the door at the other side of the room and ran towards it hoping it would be unlock. My legs were painfully running towards the door and I was surprise I didn't fall on the ground before I could even reach the door. I was desperate to get the fuck out of this hell. I had to find Angel and make sure she's okay.

I tried to open the door but it was as I thought locked, bloody hell. I banged on the door as hard as i could. I don't know what was I thinking, it would clearly not work but I did it anyway. I could feel my breath getting heavy as the panic was raising inside of me. I don't know if it was a panic attack but what I knew is that i was starting to shake in fear and I was getting out of breath. I stopped to bang on the door because I saw that nothing could do. It must've been lock with a spell or some shit.

Tears were trying to escape my eyes and some of them did but I tried to shake it off, it was not the time to be weak, I had to keep my ideas clear. Suddenly, I heard noises in the corner of the room exactly where I couldn't see earlier due to the shadow. Fucking hell, ate you shiting me, can I have one minute of peace?

I looked a little closer and noticed a figure, ah fuck. I knew this figure. It's the bitch that made my life and thousands of lives hell. He had a book in his hands but he was staring directly into my soul.

« I was waiting to see how long would it take for you to notice that there is no escape. » he spoke lowly. I didn't want to speak to him, all I wanted right now was to die.

« You're lucky you're not dead right now after what you did. I must say I was kind of surprise that you would ever dare to kill someone. » he continued. So it was really not a dream.

« Where am I? » I asked ignoring what he just said.

« Where no one can find or save you little girl » yeah that really helps thank you Riddle.

« Why did you brought me here? » tears were now sliding down my cheeks as I thought I could never escape this place.

« Cause you see, when you choked our best doctor to death, the Dark Lord now wants you dead and the death eathers are trying to find you. » he responded calmly as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

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