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⚠️mention of blood⚠️
Eloïse's POV

For a while, I was in complete darkness, all I saw was black. No light, no hope, no joy. My body felt completely numb. I couldn't move at all. I thought i was dead, that this was it, death. Unfortunately, I woke up. My eyes opened and immediately met with a strong light that was blinding me. I wished I never woke up. I want my pain to go away but then i think about Angelina, i promised her I will get her out of here but I don't even know where is she or even if she's still alive. I had to keep going for her and for all the others innocent people that were being captive in this shit hole.

My wrists and my ankles were tied up to a really uncomfortable bed. I cannot even say it was a bed. Who would even want to lay on it. I could hear people chatting in the same room that I was in. I recognize the voice of the lady with the briefcase but I didn't understand what she was saying. She was speaking with someone else that I didn't catch the voice. I was too dizzy to understand a single word that they were saying. I tried to move my body just a little bit, but nothing happened. I was completely paralyzed. The only part of my body that could move just a little was my head.

I turned my head to the side to see where I was or understand what was happening, that's when my eyes met with the cold red eyes of the wizard that made my life hell. Voldemort. When I saw him felt pure anger grow inside of me. Just seeing him made me want to kill him myself and torture him just like he did to thousands of people. I wanted to make him suffer. My breathing was becoming heavy as the rage grew even more in my chest.

"Ah, look who's awake" hissed the dark lord. He took some steps towards me and grabbed my chin, I quickly turned my face away from his disgusting grip.

"Don't touch me" I tried to sound firm but my voice was too raspy. He then turned to the briefcase lady.

"Is she the only one alive?" He asked her.

"She is, I don't know how it's possible, the others that receive the injection didn't survive but she did. She's not even suppose to be able to move her head." Answered to lady. Voldemort turned back to me and stared into my soul as if he was trying to get into my mind.

"Incredible, I want you to find what is wrong with this mudblood, I expect answers within two days." He said still looking at my weak body.

"But my Lord, two days is not enough..." she replied. His face was now filled with anger as she dared to speak back to him.

"Then MAKE IT ENOUGH" he yelled at the lady. His scream echoed in all the room. Chills ran down my spine.

"Yes My Lord." She said in a quiet voice as she tried to cover the fear in her voice.

"I will send my son to check on the situation a couple times." She nodded in response. Can I just die already?

Voldemort then left the room. Now it was just me and the briefcase lady that had no emotion on her face. She just looked numb and dead inside. Me on the other hand, I looked angry and ready to jump on her to kill her but my body wouldn't let me do that and I was tied up to tightly to even consider moving.

"What did you do to me? Why can't I move?" I asked with a voice filled with rage.

"The injection was supposed to kill you, but somehow you survived" she explain

"How?" I asked in confusion.

"That's the question that I'm trying to answer and I have to find out" she said while searching for something in her black briefcase. She then took out a little sharp knife. That's not good, I thought to myself.

"What are you doing?" I was starting to get scared.

"I told you, I'm trying to find how you survived to injection , and for that I need you blood."
Ah shit, that's gonna hurt like a bitch.

She took the palm of my hand and made a large cut in it. I tried not to scream in pain but it was almost impossible, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. I felt my moody shake and I noticed that I was starting to gain a little bit of control over the members of my body. I could slightly move my legs. That's good no? The blood was still dripping off my hand and when she was done to collect my blood, she didn't even take the time to cover my wound. She just let it drip and fall on the ground. This bitch. She then put the test tube on the table where she did all her researches. She took the time to observe the red substance.

"Fascinating" she said under her breath. I didn't know why my blood could be that fascinating.

She then took out some electrons to look at my brain activity. I tried to move my head away from the electrons but she succeeded anyway to put them on the sides of my head. After that, I realized that I could move more my body, that's when I got and idea.

"Can you untie me? It's not like I can go anywhere." I said as I tried my make my saddest face as possible for her to feel pity for me. She hesitated for a minute as she was looking at my
"Paralyzed body" but she ended up agreeing as she thought I couldn't move.

When she was taking of the ropes and chains that that around my ankles and wrists, I tried to cover my grin because my Plan was going just how it was suppose to be.

As soon as all the thing that was keeping me from moving were away from me, without taking any minutes, I grabbed one of the ropes and jumped on the lady that didn't have time to understand what was happening. I tackled her on the ground and placed the rope around her neck. I pulled on the rope as hard as my body could. I really wanted to kill this bitch. The more she was screaming for me to let her go, the more pressure I was putting on.

"I told you, you will pay for what you did" I spoke in her hear with an angry voice.

Her body was becoming weaker and sooner, she completely stopped moving, I knew she was dead but I was till choking her, I couldn't stop. The anger I side of me was too strong. It took control of me. I then heard quick footsteps coming from outside of the room. The door violently opened but I didn't even pay attention to it, I was to concentrate to kill the briefcase lady and make her suffer. Is it wrong that I liked it? That I liked to hurt her? Am I a monster?

I felt strong arms around my waist pulling me away from the doctor and pulling me out of my trance. I didn't realized that tears were coming out of my eyes. They were not sad tears, they were tears of anger. I tried to get out of the grip of the person that was holding me into their body.

"NO, NO LET ME KILL HER" I shouted to the person still not knowing who it was. My hands were curled in fists and my knuckles were white. The cut in the palm of my hand didn't even hurt due to the boost of adrenaline in my body but I knew I lost a lot of blood.

" she dead, you killed her, calm down" the person said with a surprisingly calm voice. I immediately recognize that voice. It was the boy that was into my head the day before. The son of the devil. Mattheo Riddle. I don't know why but his voice immediately calmed me down. He was stroking my hair and my back to calm me down.why was he like that? Why was he kind? I could see the part of him that was still human and not just a heartless boy with no emotion but anger and rage.

I looked at the body of the lifeless lady in front of me. He eyes were rolled at the back of her head and a big red and purple Mark was covering her neck. Oh shit I killed her.I killed someone. How could I do something like that, what the fuck is wrong with me. I was not myself. I could never do something like that. Was it the injection that they gave me or the tests they did to me? Confusion and anxiousness filled my body as I thought that I just killed somebody.

"I killed her, i killed her, she's dead no no no I killed her" I kept saying as Mattheo's arms were still around me.

"Hey hey it's okay calm down Eloïse" he hugged me from behind. He said my name. So he knew my name. The way he said it just felt right.

Why is he kind like this?...

Hello, I am so sorry for the slow update, i really didn't have motivation and I wasn't inspired. I promise I will update soon. What did you think of this chapter? Do you have any suggestions? That would help me a lot because I don't really know how to continue this book. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Love y'all ❤️💃🏼😘 (also sorry for the grammar mistakes)

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