The lady with a briefcase

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Eloïse's POV

It's been hours since we've been in this dark room and no one knows what would happen. The body of Felix was still on the ground lifeless. I tried not to look because everytime I looked, it broke my heart. I wanted to cry, scream and kill everyone but I couldn't make a single sound. My entire body was in pain. The chains were hurting my wrist and my ankles. They were cold but they were burning my skin. That was unbearable.

The Dark Lord left the room to go Merlin knows where so the only people in the room was, Mattheo Riddle, the three other prisoners with me and Nagini who was circulating the room. Everytime it came near me, I flinch. I didn't want to flinch but that snake could kill you in less then a minutes. You would die in a painful death.

I couldn't scream with my voice so I screamed in my mind. I hope no one was reading my mind at the moment but I was wrong...

« Will you shut the fuck up already » someone spoke in my head. I already know who it is.

« if it annoys you, why don't you stop reading my mind? » I asked looking at him but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring at the door like he was waiting for someone or something to enter the room.

« I can't » he simply says. Why can't he? Obsess much.

« why can't you? » I asked with incomprehension.

« stop asking question and shut up mudblood » he says with anger. The word mudblood didn't affect me anymore. I heard it to goddamn times that now it was just a word that meant nothing to me. How I would like to torture him until he beg for his life. Unfortunately that would never happen.

After that, I didn't speak and tried not to think of anything or thinking about fake memories so that if he was reading my mind he wouldn't find anything.

Then, we heard footsteps outside the room that were coming closer. The big door opened widely and revealed a person that was dress like a doctor or a nurse. It was a middle age women with black hair and big glasses. She had a little briefcase in her hand. She was accompanied by 2 death eaters that happened to be Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

When I saw Malfoy, I wanted to attack him and kill him. I'm sure smoke was coming out of my ears. Blaise Zabini had never been mean to me. I never really spoke to him but I've never heard him or see him torturing muggle borns so when I saw him, I was a little bit surprise.

When it comes to Mattheo, he didn't move from his chair. He looked like he knew what was about to happen. He was still emotionless, like he had completely died inside.

The doctor and the two young man walked closer to us. Zabini and Malfoy were behind the lady with the briefcase. Like they were her bodyguards. When they arrived in front of the first prisoner, the women took her briefcase and opened it. She took out a syringe. A big one.

« I heard you were the strongest mudbloods, well, we'll see if you're still strong with that. » she spoke coldly at us. Her simple words made me shiver and want to throw up.

Who knows what is in the syringe, will it kill us? Or paralyze us for the rest of our lives? I guess we'll discover it in a minute.

She grabbed the first one in line and ask Zabini and Malfoy to hold him. Why would they need to hold him. Does that hurt that much? When they did she injects the liquid from the syringe into his neck. While she was injecting the liquid, the prisoner was screaming in pain and his entire body was shaking. When the liquid was completely inside of his neck, he passed out and the two boys that were holding him let him fall on the ground. I looked at them and Malfoy looked still emotionless but Zabini looked a little bit shocked but tried not to show it.

I was disgusted at what I saw, and the fact that it's gonna happen to me too. I looked at Riddle that was still sitting on his chair comfortably and this time he was looking back at me. If look could kill, I would already be dead right now.

« Pathetic » the doctor said while looking at the prisoner on the floor.

Mattheo smirked looking in my direction. Then, the three moved to the next prisoner. Why would they hurts us like this. The girl next to me looked terrified. She was breathing very fast and she had tears in her eyes. As I saw her I took her hand in mine. Even if I had chains around my wrist and just moving them was painful, I still was able to reach her hand. She looked at me and I tried to reassure her with a small smile which she returned.

The two boys came closer to her and held her shoulders and arms. She squeezed my hand tightly, it almost hurts but I let her do it. Then the women brought the syringe close to her neck and injected the liquid. Like the guy before her, she screamed and her boys was shaking. I felt her grip loosening before she completely stopped holding my hand. She passed out and fell on the floor like the previous men.

« i cannot wait to see you suffer » i heard once again Mattheo's voice. I didn't want to respond at his comment but before I could pass out I wanted to say something.

« fuck you » I simply said in my mind for him to hear and I'm sure he did.

The three piece of shit waked closer to me. Here we go. Blaise and Draco both grabbed my shoulders and my arms in their disgusting hands. Their grip were really tight. The black headed women placed herself in front of me. I stared I to her eyes and noticed that her eyes were deep blue and empty. Like there was no life or light in them. They were dark and numb.

« Ah! I heard of you Miss Redmond I suppose, it's disappointing that you are a disgusting mudblood, you could've been really powerful. » I hated her voice so much it made me want to vomit all over her.

I didn't replied and just stared at her with pure anger in my eyes, I didn't want to look scared even if I was terrified.

« A cat got your tongue? Mudblood » she asked.

« I got nothing to say to you, bitch» I boldly said then spat in her face. She didn't even flinch at the contact between my saliva and her ugly face. She took a little tissue from her blouse and wiped her face.

She slapped me in the face but I was used of getting hit so I didn't groan in pain, I knew she would do something like that. After, she took another syringe from her briefcase and place it in my neck. That shit hurt. She injected the liquid that was in it and I felt my body getting weak the more the liquid entered my body. Unlike the others, I didn't make a sound, I guess I was really used to the pain. I really wanted to scream and some tears escaped my eyes but I didn't let them see me weak.

My knees didn't want to support the weight of my body. My legs became numb. The only thing that was keeping from falling on the floor was the two boys that were holding me. I felt my vision getting blurry and the sound around me became quiet and inaudible. Once all the liquid was injected they let me fell on the floor. My head hit the floor but I was to dizzy to notice that blood was coming out of it. Before I could pass out I heard the three last words of the women.

« A strong one »

And then i passed out...

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