The angel

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Eloïse's POV

Just looking at the Manor made my heart beat faster and my breath to accelerate. I was having a panic attack but I had no one to help me with. This made me think that I never got to say goodbye to my parents and my brother. My mom always told me that the worst goodbyes are the one that are never said or explained. I guess she was right.

I felt my vision go blurry and the only thing that I could hear was my breathing. Why was it happening now. It's really not the right moment. Then, I felt someone take my hand. It was a young girl probably ten or eleven. She gave me the warmest smile that she could do. She looked as broken as I was but she still smiled. That was the best feeling someone could give me right now.

I tried to talk but no words came out of my mouth.

« It's okay, you don't need to talk. You just need to calm down or the bad man will hurt you »
I tried to smile but nothing happened. Who is this angel? Somehow she made me calm down a little bit. Just to touch of her hand in mine, brought me a little more warmth in my heart. Maybe there is still a little bit of hope.

« My name is Angelina Moonshine but you can call me Angel » she smile. I knew she was an angel. Maybe Merlin heard my prayers and made me meet her.

« I'm Eloïse but call me Elo » I said with the best voice that i could but it was more a whisper.

« Elo..I like that name, nice to meet you Elo »she was still smiling. How can people be so cruel and put a child under experimentations and torture? That disgusting. She didn't deserve this. She deserve to be happy and live a normal life. Not being stuck in a cage and who knows if we will ever get out of this hell on earth.

« Likewise Angel » I smile a little still gripping her hand tightly. I didn't want to loose her she is the only person that I have right now. I knew that I would do everything to get us out of here alive. I will protect her.

We made our way to the gates of the Manor where many house elves greeted us. They gave us an apologetic smile and let us in. They knew what is about to happen and they didn't seem too happy about it. We enter the gates one bye one and I got forced to let go of Angel's hand. I didn't want to let go but I didn't want to cause trouble to her so I did and she did too.

Once we were at the principal door, they tied our hands and feet with rope and chains. The chains were so tight that I thought my hands would cut off and my blood circulation stopped. We could still walk even if our feet were tied up.

« If one of you make too much noises in that Dark Lord's Manor you will be executed or have big consequences » one of the Death eater shouted at us. I heard everyone gasp slightly at the new and I did too but we didn't dare making anymore noises and the silence was back. This silence was painful, it was full of sadness and pain.

I tried to look for Angel and I noticed she was a little bit Ahead of me. At least she is safe. She looked back and when she saw me she stuck her tongue out making a funny face. I smile a little. She has such a pure soul. How can she joke in those times.

That's when I made a promise to myself: I will do anything to save her from here no matter what it takes

Angelina Moonshine

Angelina Moonshine(Angel)

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