Stay strong

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Swipe for music 🎶

Eloïse's POV

It's been two weeks since I haven't left my cell or you could call it hell. I didn't eat anything for 3 days, I guess they forgot to feed us. Well the positive point is that I don't have to eat the disgusting food that they were giving us. Sometimes we get bread but that's just on our lucky days.

I wish I could see the sun rise one more time and get away from all this mess. I want to run outside and feel the wind on my soft skin. I want people to see me as the same as them but my blood is not pure enough for them. I want to feel alive again.

More and more everyday, I was getting skinnier and I was hungry. I could kill for food right now. I wish I was strong enough to kill every Death Eaters and Voldemort and his fucking son. I want to make them feel the pain that we all suffered. I want to take my revenge but the problem is. i can't...

I haven't heard from Angel in a while, I tried speaking to her through the door but's like she disappeared. If something happened to her, I swear to god I will make regret what the person did to her. I will make them regret their entire existence.

All I had now was myself and even me was falling apart. I didn't know how long I could do this. The pain was becoming unbearable but I had to keep going. I was determined to ruin the life of the people that was creating all this pain and enjoy seeing us suffer and begging for our lives. I want them know how it feels to be this vulnerable and don't have enough strength to fight back. I don't know how I will do this but believe I'm gonna fin a way.

My sleep was no where to be found. Even if I was more then tired I couldn't even close my eyes because I'm too afraid to fall asleep and my demons get to me and take me with them forever. I had to stay strong.

I remember this song that my mom was singing to me when I was younger. She sang this this song to remind me to be strong and never be scared to fight for my rights and equality. (Song above)

I been walkin'
With my face turned to the sun
Weight on my shoulders
A bullet in my gun
Oh, I got eyes in the back of my head
Just in case I have to run
I do what I can when I can while I can for my people
While the clouds roll back and the stars fill the night
That's when I'm gonna stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
Can you hear freedom calling?
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on
I can feel it in my bones

I kept singing this song everyday to stay strong and never give up because I promised myself that I will get through this no matter what it takes and I'm gonna save people. One day it will get better, I kept repeating myself but will it? Will it get better? Or are we just gonna get use to it? A lot of question in my mind but none of them have an answer and maybe never get one.

I could hear the other people in their cell sleeping. I heated them snoring and some having nightmares. I cannot blame them. I think we were in the middle of the night or maybe really early in the morning. I don't know how they can sleep without being scared or maybe they were scared but just better to hide it, who knows?

Then a loud noise was heard, like someone was banging on the doors of the cells. That cannot be good. I heard people scream and then..

« AVADA KADAVRA » a word that we were almost buse to hear everyday. Personally I can never get use to those words. They were my worst nightmare at the moment. The guards that just killed an innocent person then took other people and I was part of them.

« Take her too, she look like she wasn't touch in a while » I recognize that voice. The voice that haunted my dreams. Lucius Malfoy. The man who killed my parents right in front of my eyes. He didn't even felt bad for taking the parents of a young girl away. Disgusting. Next to him there was the young Malfoy. Draco. I knew him from school and i knew his family was close to the dark lord but I never thought he would be the one torturing me one day. Guess we have to expect the unexpected in life. Look where we are now.

Draco unlocked the door of the cell. I tried to go as far as possible from him. I didn't was his disgusting hands on me. I reached the wall at the end of the door and try to make myself look as small as possible. I don't know what I was thinking, i think I was trying to hide from him. Wow you can see that I was the best at hide and seek in elementary school. He walked towards me painfully slow. Once he got close to me his pace stopped. Oh kill me now. I'm sure he's about to torture me and hexing me with some shit of spell.

But no he didn't, instead he kneeled in front of me. What the fuck.

« I know you, I knew one day the mudbloods would finally get what they deserve for just daring to be with their superiors. » he chucked darkly. I always hated the bitch and now I was hating him more just for using his and my blood against me.

« How are your parents? Oh right, they're dead. It was not a big loss if you ask me, they deserved it. » what the hell id wrong with him. He's gonna be the first that I murder once I get out of here, if I ever get out.

« And you know what you deserve you piece of shit? You deserve to rot in Azkaban for the rest of your miserable life » I said then spit in his ugly face. I smirked a little bit at the satisfaction that gave me. I know i would get punished for that but I don't care at the moment, it felt good.

I was right because next thing he did was, slapping me right in the face and let me tell you, he didn't show mercy. I fell on the ground because my body was too weak to support that slap but I didn't regret telling him what he deserved. Before he can even get to Azkaban I will make sure to murder him myself.

« You really thing you still have power to talk to me like that, I will make sure that you regret it. You will beg for your stupid life. » he says with pure anger in his voice. He then grab me by my shoulder and dragged me out of the cell. There were three other people that was being dragged out of their cell by the other guards. My people.

They were taking us in Merlin knows where. Maybe it was the last minutes of my life and I would get killed in a second but I was too angry at Malfoy to even care about when I will die...




Oof that was my longest chapter. Thank you sooooo much for reading. I like to write and know that people will read it. I know I made Draco really cruel, I'm sorry but I really want you to know another version of him and don't worry he would get what he deserve...eventually. In the next chapters, there will be more Mattheo scenes I promise. Anyways love ya.❤️❤️ don't forget to tell me what you think of this story.😘

What if ; M.ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora