The devil

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Eloïse's POV

We entered the Manor. I kinda wished we never did.

The Death Eaters brought us to the basement of the Manor. Where hell is starting. Where we will suffer for who knows how long.  They placed us in cells. Let's just say it's not what I would call a warm room.

 Let's just say it's not what I would call a warm room

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It only had a chair and a blanket. No windows, the only space of light was the tiny window and the only view that i have is the grey sad wall.  Angel's cell was just I front of mine which was great. We could still talk a little bit.
We had no idea what was the time, ever.

« Psst Elo are you there? » I heard a Small voice call my name.

« Angel? Is that you? » I say, walking towards the big Metal door.

« Yeah it's me are you okay? » she says .

« Yes I'm fine...well I could be better. Are you okay? » I say with a worried voice.

« Better than ever » she says sarcastically. I laugh a little

« I promise I'm gonna get us out of here. » I couldn't see her but I knew she was smiling. She's always smiling.

We then heard loud noises. People were shouting and it was like someone was getting beat. I was able to see a little bit through the window. I saw a man that was getting beat by two Death Eaters and yelling at him.

« HOW DARE YOU TRYING TO ESCAPE, HOW STUPID OF YOU. YOU FUCKING MUDBLOOD. » One of the Death eater says while kicking his stomach and the other one punching his face.

The man just smirked and say with a raspy voice:
« That's all you got? I thought higher of you » oh no, why did he say that? Why would he provoke them. I thought it was quite impressive that he would stand his ground even if two powerful man were about to kill him.

« You really think you can talk to me like that. Well that cost you your life. AVADA KADAVRA! » The Death eater said with  rage. Those tow words that echoed in my head since the death of my parents. The word that I wish I never heard before.

I gasp and flinch as the unforgivable curse was cast. I saw Angel looking at the body of the man that just got killed with fear in her eyes.

« Angel don't look, look at me instead » I tell her. She then look at me and her eyes softened instantly but still full of fear and worry. I wish I could take her in my arms and never let go. I wish I could run away with her. I saw tears in her eyes.

« hey hey, it's okay I would never let anyone hurt you okay? Nothing like that is gonna happen to you. » I saw through the window of the cell.

« Okay » she say is a small voice.

A weak later.

Every day was the same, they took us one by one to do some test and cast some spell on us then put us back in our cells.
At the end of the day, all we have is ourself because even our shadow disappear in the dark and we're all alone. I considered my self lucky to have someone like Angel. She really was an Angel. She was the reason why I kept fighting every day and trying to find a way to get out of here.

The day after a woke up at loud noises once again but they were different. They were closer to my cell.

« What if we take the little one, she wouldn't be a big loss. » one of the Death eater says as they were looking at Angel.
Oh No no no no no no, I'm not gonna let that happen. I had to think fast because they were already taking her.

« Elo HELP ME Elo ELOÏSE! » I heard her yell. I started kicking the door and yelling at the death Eater. I prefer they take me instead of her. I'm not gonna let them hurt her.

« HEY YOU SONS OF BITCHES, LEAVE HER ALONE. TAKE ME INSTEAD OF HER. SHE'S NOT GONNA BRING YOU ANYTHING. TAKE ME! » I yelled at them and they stopped in their track to look at me.

« Feisty one aren't you. TAKE HER AND PUT BACK THE LITTLE MUDBLOOD IN HER CELL! » the leader says and they do as he said. They placed Angel back In her cell as one of the Death eater start unlocking my cell.

« Elo NO! Don't do this for me, you're gonna get killed! » Angel yelled from her cell.

« It's gonna be okay Angel I promised I would keep you safe! » I yelled back as the Death eater drag me out of my cell. The light of the hallway hurt my eyes but I didn't care at the Instant.

They brought me in a big dark room with only a chair in the middle and a little light. On the side there was some medical instruments or maybe it was for torture. Great. They sat me on the chair and left. I was alone for several minutes. I had to tell myself that it was better me than Angel. At least she is safe. Well I wish. After a couple of minutes the principal door open and reveal... the devil himself.

Hey my lovelies, I hope you're doing well

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Hey my lovelies, I hope you're doing well. How do you like this book so far. I know there is not a lot of Mattheo but I wanted you to understand the situation and the life of Eloïse. Please give me you're opinion and tell me if it's bad or not. Love y'all❤️❤️

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