The dark room

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Eloïse's POV

I think we where 5 that were getting dragged to another room. A room where no one knows what could happen there. We could not make any noises because if we did, we could get killed. All I wanted to do was scream and fight but of course I could no do that. The anger was growing more and more everyday. The way that they were treating us was disgusting, there were kids that were tortured for know reason and old people that couldn't support the torture so they succumbed at the torture and died. How can someone be so cruel and taking pleasure as seeing other people suffer and begging for their lives?

My body was exhausted and I could barely walk properly. The young Malfoy was still gripping my shoulder with force and every time I tripped I held even tighter. I'm sure it would let a mark on my shoulder.

We finally arrived in front of a big dark door after several painful minutes. It had an engraved snake and a skull in it. Just looking at it made me shiver. What I'd behind that door? What is gonna happen in there? Why are we still here? Why did they brought us here? So many questions running in my mind and all of them were about to get answered when we will enter the room.  I was scared, I think My body had never shake more before. I was terrorized but I was more angry and thirsty for revenge.

One of the Death Eaters, that happened to be Lucius Malfoy knock slightly on the large door. After a moment of silence, the door opened and revealed a small house elf. He looked so scared, well let me tell you he's not the only one. When he saw us, he gasped a little and opened the door entirely to let us in. Here we go...

The five of us got pushed in the dark room by the Death eater that was closer to us.
« Come on mudbloods walk faster, we don't have all day » Draco spoke to the group.

We entered to room. It was really big with giant windows at the back of the room. It's the first time that I see the light of outside by a window in a while.

And there he was, the Dark Lord himself with his cruel son by his side, Mattheo

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And there he was, the Dark Lord himself with his cruel son by his side, Mattheo. They were both sitting on a chair in the back of the room as if they were waiting for us to arrived. On the floor there was his big ass snake, Nagini. The snake that could kill you in a second with only a little bite. He was circulating around the room. I always hated snakes but now I was terrified of them.

We were place next to each other in a line. I was next to a guy around my age. I think I saw him in Hogwarts, I believe his name is Felix but I didn't know his last name. He was a griffindor, he was also always the class clown and very confident. He never took life too seriously. His face that used to be lighten up with a smile was now dark and looked broken. That broke my heart. I didn't want to look at anyone in the room so I just looked at the floor. Why would they was us here?

Felix came closer to me and whispered something in my ear.

« Hey, don't take life too seriously, it's not like we're getting out alive anyways. » he said then taking back his place that  He was before. He was right in a way but how could I not take life seriously when you're in that situation? I didn't say anything back and continued to look at my feet.

Then The Dark Lord stood up from his chair and walked towards us. I flinched at the sudden movement.

« Now, you probably wondering why you've been brought here...well you see I've been informed that you give were the strongest and the most resistant at the different tests that we did to you. » he said still walking closer to us.

« your tests, that you call was pire torture, you should be ashamed of yourself you piece of shit. » Felix spat in his face. Oh no that's not gonna end well. I didn't dare to look at both of Voldemort and Felix but I looked up and noticed that a certain Mattheo Riddle was staring deeply into my eyes. He was trying to read my mind. Fuck. What does he want from me? Maybe he wanted to find my weakness to use it against me. I looked at him again and he there he was still looking right at me. What the fuck. Our little staring contest got interrupted by a very angry Voldemort.

« You shall not speak to your superior like that mudblood. » he screamed in his face.
« CRUCIO » he pointed his wand at him and the second after Felix was on the ground in pain. He screams echoed in the whole manor. That was painful to hear.

After what felt like eternity, he finally stopped the spell. Thank for he was still alive. I thought he would not do anything else to provoke the Devil but I guess I was wrong because the nest thing he did was looking right into his red eyes and smirked evilly at him.

« That's all you have old man, I thought the Dark Lord was suppose to be powerful and not a little bitch » he says still looking at him from the ground. Why are you doing this Felix you're gonna get killed. I thought to myself, I got to admit that I was kinda impress of his bravery. I understand why he was a Griffindor.

Without hesitation,  Voldemort took his wand once again and pointed it at him.

« AVADA KADAVRA » he said loudly. The body of Felix fell completely on the ground dead. I wanted to scream and attack the Dark Lord and kill him right now and there but before I could even move or speak a voice spoke in my head.

« Don't you dare doing that, you have no chance of  succeed without getting killed » I recognize that voice, it was Mattheo's voice. Oh crap he read my mind and he heard everything. Asshole. I looked up at him once again with tears in my eyes and ONCE AGAIN he was looking back at me still emotionless.

Why would he care if I die or not? Wasn't it what he wanted to see me die?

« why do you care if I die or no Riddle? Don't you want to see me die?» I replied in my mind.

« of course I want to see you die in pain but i want to be the one killing you! » 

holy. shit.

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