1945: The Crash

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Evangeline's POV:

Once we were inside, Steve and I began looking around. Giant black oblong things were sitting all around us. Each had something written in white on them. My jaw went slack as I realized what they were. They were bombs. I looked over at Steve only to see him staring at something. When I walked over, I saw it too. One was labelled New York. Horror and dread filled me as we stood there.

"We have to stop this plane," I breathed and he nodded.

We both looked up at the sound of clanging above us. Several Hydra agents were running down the catwalk.

"You get them, I'll get Schmidt.

"Piece of cake," he nodded and started climbing up to where they were.

Meanwhile, I navigated the plane as best as I could trying to find Schmidt. It wasn't like any other plane I'd been on but the layout was easy to figure out. In not time, I was in the cockpit. A loud bang shook the whole plane. Schmidt whipped around just in time to see me duck behind a pillar.

"Think you are smooth, little girl?" he drawled standing from his chair, "You think you and your little boyfriend can stop me?"

My jaw clenched at those words. He reached the opposite side of the pillar I was behind. I came out from behind it and slammed my fist into his chest throwing him backwards.

"Oh wow you can get something correct," I chuckled storming towards him, "Firstly, of course I think that."

I threw another punch knocking him another direction.

"And secondly, you'll never have the pleasure of meeting my brother because you dropped him off a damn train."

He shakily stood.

"I believe it was your beloved boyfriend's fault he died," Schmidt slyly remarked.

"No, it was mine," I breathed before moving to punch him again.

He caught my fist this time and shoved me backwards. I regained my footing quickly and glared at him. Why did I let myself get distracted? I should've seen that coming.

"You are a pathetic child," he said shaking his ugly red head, "You give in too easily."

I smirked turning on my gloves. They pulsed with power and glowed blue. Schmidt's eyes widened in horror.

"That my ugly friend is where you are wrong."

I slammed my fist into him and flew backwards into the wall. He slumped to the ground unconscious.

"Wow, men these days really can't take a punch," I said to myself shaking my head.

The door opened behind me. I turned to see Steve. He jogged over.

"Where's Schmidt?" he asked.

"Right-" I froze mid point and realized he was gone.

A soft click made me snap my head to my right. I grabbed Steve whipping around just in time. The blue light from the gun hit my back and fizzed out instantly.

"You two really don't give up do you?" Schmidt hissed angrily.

"Nope," we said in sync.

Steve ran at Schmidt while I raced to the controls of the plane. My eyes scanned them. My brain felt like it was going a hundred mile per hour as it absorbed all the information. My hands flew over the controls. The sound of the fighting behind me was a bit of a distraction but I managed to do my best. Suddenly something slammed into the chair I was sitting in and I was thrown into the controls. A cry of pain left my lips as my head hit the glass windshield.

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