1943: 107th

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Evangeline's POV:

"Get this to Peggy, ASAP," I said handing the private a set of documents.

"Yes Ma'am," she nodded darting off.

I scanned the maps on the table in front of me. My skills were not as effect when we used pen and paper as they were with technology but technology can be hacked, paper cannot. The way the troops were moving had formed a subtle pattern but Nazi troops weren't what we were after. Out job was to knock out HYDRA, the Nazis' scientific department.

"New recruits coming in, in an hour."

I looked up to see Corporal Peggy Carter walking to me with a clipboard in hand.

"What's that supposed to mean to me? You want me to put on a show or something," I chuckled looking back at the maps.

"Well I thought you might take interest in the new guys. One in particular to be exact," she replied holding out her checklist to me.

I speed-scanned the list stopping when I spotted a familiar name. I took the list from her with a small smile on my face.

"Someone has to do check in," she hinted with a smirk.

"Oh that's cruel," I laughed shaking my head.

"I enjoy watching them squirm" she replied, "Besides i won't be able to stay around for long. There's a new experiment going under way in another unit. I'm in charge of that group so I'll be flying out in a few hours."

"Safe travels then," I responded.

Bucky's POV:

We were quickly forced into a line as soon as we arrived at the gate. Before we even dropped our bags, they began check-in and introductions.

"The 107th is a unit with a sole purpose, gentlemen! We do not fight the same war as the others. Out job is to slow, and eventually take out the scientific department of the Soviet Union. Our main target, HYDRA," a familiar voice rang.

I looked around trying to sport the person speaking. A smile instantly appeared on my face as she stepped forward enough for us all to see her. Evangeline was the same green uniform that she wore when she left. She held a clipboard in her hands and had a stern frown on her face.

"Your second and equally important objective is to protect the Guardian Angel," she continued with a sharp look, "There is nothing more important to you than protecting the Guardian at all costs. It is the sole reason this war has not become a major defeat."

She turned as she was walking back and forth in front of us. I couldn't hold back anymore. With a smirk, I let out a loud whistle. I know she's my sister but like c'mon I need to tease her for being grown up and beautiful.

Several of the guys laughed at what I just did. She whipped around glaring at me. Her eyes softened when we made eye contact.

"Name, Soldier," she barked walking over briskly.

"Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, Ma'am," I replied with a teasing smile.

She raised her eyebrow with a frown. I caught the slight twitch of her lips as she tried not to smile.

"Seventy laps round the whole facility," she slyly remarked, "Running backwards."

"But it's about to rain," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Didn't take you for a girl, Barnes. Better get them knees up and run fast," she replied with a shrug.

Several remarks and laughter rippled through the crowd of people.

"Now for the rest of you, find your tent and get moved in," she said to the rest of the group.

Everyone began to disperse.

"Start running, Sergeant," she called over her shoulder.

I shook my head with a smirk. I'll get her back for that.

Evangeline's POV:

"That wasn't even a fair punishment," Trixie whined as we finished up eating in the mess hall, "It's pouring down raining and he's been running all dat."

"It'll teach him to hold his tongue," Peggy snorted.

I nodded smiling. I looked out the window to see my brother still jogging around the premises.

"I think he's had enough," I finally said standing up.

"Oh thank goodness," Trixie sighed dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at her and left the mess hall. It was raining hard enough that my clothes were soaked in seconds, but it hardly mattered to me. I walked out into the path that Bucky had created. Right in time too, he almost ran into me.

"Didn't see you there, Ev," he said with a smirk.

"I've decided that you've had enough," I replied with a soft smile.

"Oh really now?" he stepped towards me.

His hands wrapped around my waist pulling me into a big brotherly hug.

"We're out in the open," I warned.

"So?" he chuckled squeezing me tighter.

"James," I laughed breaking my stern act, "We shouldn't be thi-"

"Just shut up. I haven't seen you in ages," he muttered into my hair.

It was good to finally have my brother by my side once again. I smiled but it didn't stay for long as my mind went to Steve. I miss that boy. If he was here too, then life would be somewhat perfect.

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