1941: The Transformation

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"Evangeline!" a voice shouted, breaking my dream-like state.

I didn't want to open my eyes but I knew I had to. "Evangeline!" the voiced called again but this time it sounded relieved.

My eyes slowly opened, and the bright light from above nearly blinded me. Slowly the world came into focus. Except it wasn't the normal world that I once used to see. Every colour was sharper and more distinct. When I looked at the computers, codes would scroll across my vision, I turned just in time to catch a falling pin from the nurses hair that stood beside me.

"Looks like it worked." Peggy chuckled walking over, "How do you feel Guardian?"

"Me siento bien Corporal," I replied before gasping in surprise, "Ich habe anscheinend viele Sprachen beherrscht. Cela est estrange."

(I feel fine, Corporal. I seem to have mastered many languages. This is strange)

"Um, yes this seems to be a side effect," one of the nurses laughed at my new found ability to speak another language, "Do you think you can switch back to English? Because I don't know about you but that sounded like a whole bunch of scribbles to me."

I giggled. "With some concentration, yes," I managed to say.

"Let's put her into action as soon as possible," the General said.

"Wait shouldn't she rest first?" one of the nurses spoke up.

"Please sir, I don't know about you but that was the most painful thing I've experienced and I'm feeling kinda exhausted," I erupted with word vomit. I smacked my hand over my mouth to stop what was happening.

"Fine. Rest for a few days." he grumbled.

I think I'm about to push my luck...

"I also need to visit my family before heading into action," I said sternly.

"You know what missy!" he pointed his finger angrily at me, "Two weeks leave."

"You'll get your assignment sometime then. As soon as you get it, I expect you back here sharp on the dot. "

"Thank you, Sir," I nodded.

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now