1943: Don't like Bullies

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Steve's POV:

I turned on the balls of my feet and headed into the recruitment centre. Just like my first attempt at enlisting with Evangeline, I filled out the lengthy forms.

The room was filled with men who had the same intentions as myself. Neither of them looked like me. Every man was sculpted differently. Some were tall, lanky and had little to no muscle. Where as others had a well built physique, probably from a background of sport.

"Mr Rogers," a lady called out.

I lifted my head to look up at her and stood up. "Follow me," she announced.

"Please wait in this area. A doctor will be with you shortly to do your health check," she smiled.

"Thanks," I muttered.

Not long after, a young man entered the room with his required equipment. He looked to be slightly older than myself. The doctor did what he had to do. Not long after, he ripped the blood pressure cuff from my arm. I seriously hated that thing. Every time I experience the test I would always go light headed.

"You can get dressed," he spoke. As soon as he gave me my order, I started to dress myself.

Buttoning up my shirt, the lady from before entered the room and whispered into the doctors ear. I wouldn't of been so worried if she didn't eyeball me.

"Wait here," the doctor left the room.

"Am I in trouble?" I panicked.

"Just wait here!"

My eyes searched the room for a distraction. But my gaze landed upon a poster.


I read over the last few words of the propaganda and scrambled to my feet to put on my shoes. Before I got my other shoe on, an MP slides open the curtains that separated me from the people on the other side. All I could do was look at the towering soldier and think of the worse thing.

"I'm in trouble. Big BIG trouble," I murmured.

A man enters behind the soldier. It appeared that he was wearing a lab coat and was holding a file.

"So, you want to go overseas, kill some Nazis?" he teased.

"Excuse me?" I blurted.

The man offered his hand and I accepted it with uncertainty. "I'm Doctor Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve."

"Steve Rogers. Where are you from?" I heard an accent in his voice.

"Queens. 73rd and Utopia Parkway. And before that, German. This troubles you?" he looked up through his glasses.

I shook my head to show him that I had no concerns.

"And where are you from, Mr. Rogers? Is it New Haven, or Paramus, or... Five exams. In five different cities..." he bluntly asked.

Oh no.

"That might not be the right file," I hoped that it wasn't but I knew full well that it was.

"It is not the exams I am interested in. It is the five tries. You didnt answer my question. You want to kill Nazis?"

"Is this a test?" my voice shook with worry.

"Yes," he muttered.

"I dont like bullies, Doctor. I dont care where theyre from," I replied honestly giving him a taste of my morals.

"There are already plenty of big strapping men in this war. What they need now is maybe the little guys, yea?" he teased once again gesturing to my small physique.

"Maybe. What do you do, exactly?"

"Lets say I believe there is great potential in every human. Its just a matter of bringing it to the surface." he laid out my files in front of me, "I can offer you a chance, only a chance."

"That's all I'm asking for, Sir," hope was filling every inch of my body.

"So, really, where is the little guy from?" he changed the subject, "Brooklyn, New York City"

And with that, Erskine took the stamp and pressed it against the paper. STAMP! 1A.

I'm coming, Evangeline.

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Where stories live. Discover now