1944: Howling Commandos

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Bucky's POV:

As we marched into camp, it took everything in me to keep a straight face. On the one hand, everyone looked beyond shocked and on the other, my legs were still wobbly from whatever happened at the Hydra base. I can't remember most of it but something didn't feel right, something on the inside of my body. I pushed it aside though marching alongside Steve and Evangeline. Everyone maintained a grim, solemn expression as we marched in. Then someone let out a loud whoop and it all broke into chaos.

"We need medics over here!"

"What kinda tanks are those?"

"Check out these weapons."

"How'd y'all get back?"

I chuckled before cupping my hands to my mouth and shouting, "Let's give it up for Captain America and our Guardian Angel."

The whole base burst into cheers and shouting. Steve beamed at me from the centre of it all. I nodded with a smile. He deserved this. I looked down when I felt a small pair of arms slide around my waist. Evangeline leader her head against my shoulder with a happy sigh.

"He finally made his dream come true," she observed.

"You know what that means?" I chuckled.

She raised an eyebrow in question.

"It's time to celebrate!"

We ended up bringing a couple of my closest buddies to the bar that was in the town near us. It was full of people when we for there but we managed to snag a table.

"So Barnes when you gonna introduce us to this sister of yours?" Jim called out suddenly gesturing to Evangeline who was seated on Steve's lap due to limited seating.

"Why should I? You should all know her by now," I laughed, "After all she did save all of our arses."

"I'm pretty sure I had a part to play in the rescue mission too." Steve spoke up.

"Sure you did, Punk. You did all the muscle work didn't you!" I taunted with a smirk, "Meanwhile Ev here did all the hard, mental stuff."

Steve scoffed as the other guys laughed. Evangeline leaned over and punched my arm making me laugh. She glared at me.

"Play nice boys," she warned.

"Yes dear," Steve replied to her with a straight face. Dude, he's whipped.

The whole table exploded with laughter at that. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"So the General wants to form a commando unit to tru and get Schmidt to come out into the open," Steve said when the laughter died down.

"And you want us to be a part of it?" Gerry guessed with a frown.

Steve nodded.

"I'm in," I said automatically.

As if I wouldn't say yes. Somebody's gotta watch Steve's back. After a little persuasion, the others gave in and said yes too.

"And the Guardian Angel will be in charge of planning," Steve added.

"That's a lot of work for one person," Johnny frowned towards Evangeline.

Woah. What? One person? I thought it was a team. My eyes darted towards her and she gave me a look that said she would explain later. They started to come up with some plans.

"Agh! Enough about war," Evangeline groaned suddenly cutting everyone off, "Tonight we're supposed to be celebrating. So let's get drunk or something!"

The guys laughed at her enthusiasm but ordered several drinks. I frowned when I noticed Evangeline had downed at least six drinks within twenty minutes. As she reached for another one, I grabbed her hand.

"I think that's enough for you," I said shaking my head.

She pouted and sent me a disapproving look. I noticed that the alcohol didn't seem to be taking too much affect on either her and Steve. It wasn't until her fourth and his sixth that they seemed buzzed. I wonder how they did that. They'd always been lightweights!

"Stevie, let's dance!," she cried suddenly hopping off his lap and grabbing his hand.

"Are you sure, Darling?" he asked with a concerned chuckle.

"Of course!" she giggled and dragged him towards the dance floor.

So alcohol does affect her, just at a slower pace. We spent hours at the bar drinking and dancing. I found myself a sweet doll and I danced the night away with her. Near closing time, I gave the lady a sloppy kiss goodbye and we regrouped and decided to head back to base. I leaned heavily against Steve and Evangeline hardly able to walk straight as we headed towards my bunk.

"Tonight was fun," I mumbled stumbling onto the bed.

She laughed softly behind me. I felt her moving my feet and soon my heavy boots fell to the ground. With some help, I managed to get under the blanket and get situated. I smiled up at her and Steve as they both sat next to me on the edge of the bed. I'm so lucky to have them both.

"Just like old times, ain't it Stevie?" she giggled at my state while staring at Steve with a soft smile.

They found each other. I've never felt so proud. There gazes landed back on me and Evangeline stroked my hair. It was pretty soothing. I found myself drifting off to sleep when I felt the weight on my bed shift.

"Goodnight, Bucky" they whispered.

I felt a pair of lips press my temple. The couple left the tent and I fell asleep.

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