1941: Project Guardian Angel

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Evangeline POV:

Things at te Academy have finally started going pretty well. At first all the men were jerks and were constantly making sexist jokes to us girls but they soon stooped after one of the captains began looking out for us. I would've see it as him, playing nice to get into our pants but its become clear over the last few months that he's really fruity if you know what I mean. By now us ladies had formed a tight little group and was always watching out for one another. It was like having sisters.

"Mail call!" the warden called.

I hurried out of my dorm with my dorm mate, Trixie, on my heels. Sandra got a package. Lizzie got two packages. Samantha got a bunch of letters and postcards. I was the last one to receive my mail. Two identical letters with similar looking hand writing. A smile slipped onto my lips as we all crowded around Samantha and Katie's dorm as usual when opening our mail.

I opened my letter from Bucky first. It was a sweet letter that was also funny as he recounted the failed dates he'd gone on. To say he's a lady's man, he couldn't get a woman to save his life. He also added how he was still waiting for his letter from the army.

"Two letter as usual," Lizzie snickered plucking the one from Bucky out of my hands.

"One from the overprotective brother who is actually a hottie and one from Mr Loverman," Trixie giggled.

I blushed rolling my eyes.

"His name is Steve," I said.

"Who cares?" Sandra giggled plopping down next to me, "Read it to us!"

I laughed ripping open the envelope and pulling out the letter, A small photograph fell out. I picked it up before the girls could. It was a picture of me and Steve at the dance hall the night of his senior prom.

"Oh that's adorable," Sandra cooed peering over my shoulder.

They all passed it around quickly before handing it back to me.

"He looks like the man who will do anything for his woman, I'd have a boy like that anyday," Samantha swooned, falling dramatically to her bed.

We all laughed at her antics rolling our eyes. They all turned to look at me and I knew I wasn't getting out of reading his letter this time.

Dear My Evangeline,

"Awwww," they all cooed together.

"I wish a boy'd call me his," Trixie huffed.

"That ain't a boy, that's a man," Samantha snorted sitting up from her bed.

"You can say that again," Sandra sighed dreamily.

"Do you want me to read it or not?" I laughed

"Read it!" they all cried sitting forward.

I'm happy to know that you've made friends at the Academy. Especially since they are all female. I hope you know that Bucky lets me read everything you send him. I'm glad Samantha finds me cute but you might want to let her know that I am already taken.

Things are fairly quiet around here without you around. Bucky is still waiting for his letter while I'm still trying my hardest to enlist. They keep sending me away. My spirits are not down though, you would think that I'd just give up. Anyways, I miss having you here to deal with everything. Mainly my health problems. My little nurse. No, I'm joking. Bucky doesn't play a very good nurse so the sooner your back the better.

Okay, Bucky stopped reading over my shoulder so I can finally say what I wanted to say. Do you know how hard it is to love someone who is so far away from you? I'm practically counting down the days until you come back . I can't even sleep at night without thinking about you. This is all your fault! If you hadn't left me with that perfect kiss, I'd never have had this problem nor this desire for more. Don't find anyone else while you're gone because I'm waiting for you.

Missing you,

P.S. I know you're reading this out loud to the girls. Tell them I said hi. And read the last part to yourself. There's something else in the envelope.

For a second it was quiet, then they all started squealing

His Guardian Angel [Steve Rogers]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz