"I'll kill them all." Eren says, an evil smile spread across his face. Kill who? What did he mean by that? My face contorts into a frightened look as I stare at Eren whos got a scary smile going from ear-to-ear.

"E-Eren?" Armin mutters, his voice had nerves intertwined with it. Eren wakes from his trance, because his eyes have their normal glint in them again. He looks around with confused look, looking at Armin then me, to Mikasa.

"Eren!" Mikasa shouts, her face full of worry.

"Eren, can you move? Are you back to yourself now?" Armin asks frantically. "Tell us everything that happened! I'm sure they'll understand!" he says to me and Eren.

"Armin?" Eren says, his tone full of confusion.

"Hear that? He said, "I'll kill you all."" A soldier whispers a bit too loud to another next to him. I turn my head and glare at them as Eren was obviously having a strange dream of some sort.

"Yeah, no doubt about it. They want to devour us all." The other soldier speaks. Wait what does he mean by 'They'll devour us all.'. and why are we getting treated like Monsters, we are normal human beings... Wait. Is this something to do with last night how my cuts regenerated like a... Titan.

"Cadet Jeager, as well as Cadets Harper, Ackerman and Arlert! Your present actions are treason! What do you have to say in your defence?" Captain Weilman speaks up. "Any attempts to mislead or escape will be met with a bombardment of high-explosive shells! This is no bluff!" He continues his rant. "Let me be frank! What are you? A human or a Titan?"

Still what does he mean by that, It's plain obvious that we are humans? Why isn't he taking that as an answer? Unless something strange occured before I woke up and thats why their acting this way. All I remember before I woke up is that the colossal titan broke through the wall and I saved Jean from being eaten and I got eaten. Wait shouldn't I be dead right now?

I look over at Eren who seems to not get the question, though I don't blame him, I don't either.

"We do not understand that question!" Eren shouts back at him.

Captain Weilman looks at us with digust. "Feigning Ignorance? Damn monsters, I dare you to try that again! We'll blast you to pieces in an instant! We won't even give you both time to show your true colours!" he thunders again.

"True colours? What does he mean by that?" I say, as my body begins to shake with nerves.

"There are plenty of witnesses! We all saw the moment you both emerged from within titans! Mankind has allowed strange creatures like you both to get past Wall Rose! Even if you're part of the Training Corps, which is under the kings authority, the risk you present is too serious to ignore! No doubt about it!" The captain yells at us. But Eren and I emerged from within Titans? Is that possible?

"There's a chance the Armoured Titan that broke Wall Maria could apper again! Mankind once again stands at the brink of extinction! Understand? WE cannot afford to waste further soldiers or time on you both! We'll just bombard you lot with high-explosive shells!" He finishes, his finger pointing at us accusingly.

"Yeah, their defiance is all but subtle. Furthermore, I doubt they'll give us any useful information. As you said, this is a waste of soldiers and time" A silver haired female, soldier says from behind the garrison captain. My gaze falls onto the wall next to us to see a fixed cannon pointing right at us and two soldiers standing next to it, one with a telescope in hand and the other preparing the cannon.

The Bloom Titan (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now