"We wanted to wait until you were with someone to tell you the state of your condition, (y/n)." The healer started, leaving the two in cruel anticipation.

"And?" Phil asked.

"Your vocal cords are badly damaged, you'll be unable to speak for about two weeks, then we can put you on therapy to help you regain your voice, we're going to give you a cast for your neck, since it's very fragile."  The healer said.

Phil looked at (y/n), who had a look of horror pasted on their face.  Tears began to well in their eyes.

"We're going to have you come back in a week to get the cast removed, in the meantime please refrain from attempting to speak as this can hurt you more." The healer looked up, seeing (y/n) start to cry. "..I'll come back in a few minutes." 

Phil looked at (y/n) who had begun to cry.  They made a hoarse sound.

"No no don't talk (y/n), please." Phil asked.

They looked at him sadly, then mouthed the word Techno.

"He took a walk." Phil said shortly.

They looked down.  

"W-w-h-y." They said softly, then coughed. 

"Please!  Stop talking, I'll explain everything, but please don't talk."  Phil told them, and they nodded.

"Ever since he was little he's had these voices in his head.  They told him to hurt the people he loved.  He always fought back but he didn't always win.  That was his first relapse in two months."  Phil gave them a short explanation.

(Y/n) gave Phil one of the saddest looks he'd ever seen.  All they wanted was Techno, to tell him that they were sorry for making him do that.  

They reached their hands out in a grabby motion, as if they wanted to grab something. 

"You want him?" Phil asked.  He was confused, he thought they would be upset at Techno but it seemed all they wanted was to be with him.

(Y/n) nodded, slowly as to not hurt their neck.

"I'll go get him, ok?" Phil got up, and (y/n) mouthed the words thank you. 

Phil quickly rushed out the door and down the path.  He had no clue where Techno was, but he hoped he was close.  He went all the way to the house and saw Techno coming back from the garden. 

"Tech!  They're up!" Phil waved his arm to get his son's attention. 

Techno quickly ran to Phil's side.

"Are they ok?!" He asked, desperate.

"They want to see you, come, lets go back." Phil turned and the two began to walk back.

"How are they?" Techno asked, again.

"They can't talk, their vocal cords were damaged, and their neck is very sensitive, but the main healer thinks that they'll be ok in a few weeks."  Phil explained.

"Oh my god." Techno made a tight fist.

"I explained what happened." Phil said shortly.

"Do they really want to see me Phil?"  Techno asked, looking at his father.

"Yes, they do." 

The two continued the walk in silence.  When they got back Phil was met with one of the healers.

"We've given them a note pad so they have a way of communicating with us, but they can use it for you too."  They informed the two men.

"Thank you, can we see them?" Phil calmly asked.

"Yes, but be gentle." 

Phil led Techno into the room, and Techno saw (y/n) for the first time again.  They quickly sat up upon seeing him.  

"I'll wait outside." Phil said, leaving the room. 

Techno felt tears come to his eyes, seeing (y/n) the way they were, seeing what he did to them.  He immediately fell down to his knees.  (Y/n) got up as fast as they could and rushed over to him, while he sat there, letting the tears fall.  They stood over him, then took his hands in theirs, looking down at the mess below them. 

They kneeled down so they were level with him and lifted his face up with one of their hands, releasing one of his.  (Y/n) pulled his head closer and touched their foreheads.  Techno let out a small sob and pulled them closer by their waist. 

"I-I'm s-s-so sorry." He whimpered, holding them on his lap.

They softly ran their hand through his long hair, rubbing his back. 

"I lo-love you and I-I hurt you!" He held onto their shirt.  "You trusted me and I did this to you!" 

(Y/n) rested their head on his shoulder, still rubbing his back. 

"Mayb-e-e it would b-b-be better if I j-just left." He cried.

(Y/n) lifted their head up, and grabbed his face with both of their hands, then shook their head slightly.  Tears ran down his face, and they softly wiped them off, then gave him a soft kiss on the lips.  

He pulled them closer again, and put his head on their shoulder, shaking.  They again ran their hands through his hair, wishing they could tell him that it wasn't his fault and that they forgave him.  

After a minute Techno picked up (y/n) and put them back into their bed.  They held their hand out, and he took it in his.  They smiled and took their hand back, writing something on the notepad.

I'm going to be ok

Techno looked at them and smiled sadly.

"You would be ok if I hadn't done it."  He looked down. 

(Y/n) grabbed his hand again, trying to get his attention, and when he looked at them, they shook their head.  

A few minutes later the main healer came in and put a cast onto (y/n), then explained that they could leave, but absolutely no talking.

When (y/n) and Techno got home, (y/n) immediately went to bed, as they were exhausted from everything that had happened. 

Techno tried to sleep on the floor, to avoid hurting (y/n)'s neck and arm anymore, but they kept coming onto the floor with him, so he eventually got into the bed with them. 

He wrapped his arms around their waist, holding them close.  They put their good arm under his head, and he placed a soft kiss on their shoulder.  

I am (not) sorry

Word count: 1593

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