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//Trigger warnings: hurt, language (dont tell bbh pls)//

Techno paced around the room, Phil sat on a chair against the wall.  (Y/n) was currently in the healers room, and neither of them had gotten word on if (Y/n) had even woken up.  

"Shit Phil.  Why didn't you stop me?!" Techno demanded. 

"You threw me into a wall Techno."  Phil responded, looking at Techno.

Techno didn't respond to him, instead he continued pacing.  He was frustrated, and all he wanted to do was make (y/n) better. 

What had he done?  He told them he loved them, then he hurt them.  He could have killed them. They trusted him, loved him, and this what he did to them.  He was afraid of himself, he always had been.  Ever since he was little, there were voices in his head, telling him to do things, bad things.  They didn't start off bad, but they slowly grew worse.  They tried to get him to hurt people, he fought back, but sometimes they won.  Phil knew how to help, but Phil wouldn't always be around.  If Techno hurt (y/n), then he would hurt anyone.  

Techno sighed.  If he would hurt (y/n) then he would hurt Phil, and Tommy, and Tubbo, and Wilbur.  And if he hurt everyone he had then he would have no one.  He figured he would always be alone, but he didn't want to be the reason.  

"I'm going to take a walk." Techno said, leaving quickly.

He didn't even give Phil a chance to respond. 

He walked back to Phils house, it was far away, but the walk didn't distract him.  He went into his old room and went to the closet, taking out his diamond axe.  He sat down on his bed and looked at it. 

It would be so easy, to just leave.  He could just take off in the middle of the night, make a cabin out in some random forest.  He would find someone else to take jobs from.  Or maybe he could be a nomad, getting by off of some thievery.  When he was younger all he wanted to do was travel, but was that really how he wanted to spend his life?  Famous assassin Technoblade becoming a lowlife thief? 

That wasn't what he wanted, and to leave (y/n) like that?  He was a killer but he wasn't an asshole.  He wouldn't leave them with unanswered questions. 

He put his axe back, taking one last look before leaving to continue on his walk.

"They're up." 

Phil stood up immediately.  Techno had been gone for almost a half hour, and Phil knew that he felt very guilty about what happened, but it wasn't entirely his fault. 

"Oh thank goodness, can I see them?" Phil asked.

"Yes, the main healer will be in with them in a minute though."  They responded.

Phil quickly went into their room, and stopped for a second, seeing (y/n) like that, but he sat down next to them.  

Their neck was full of purple and red bruises, and they looked absolutely miserable.  

"W-" (Y/n) opened their mouth in attempt to speak, but quickly put their hands over their throat in a panic.

They  couldn't speak.  They sat up quickly and Phil stood up.

"Hey hey sit down, sit down." Phil instructed, placing his hand on their shoulder.

A woman walked into the room then.

"Hello, I'm the main healer, (y/n) please calm down, Mr. Philza please sit down."  She said.

Phil said down, and (y/n) took a few deep breaths.

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