Chapter - 15

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  Taehyung breathed deeply and fiddled with the sapphire necklace hanging down below his collarbone as he watched the late afternoon sun sluggishly disappearing behind the tall palace tower. Bluebells, roses with other flowers were taking the last sunbath of the day while swinging with the gentle breeze, the crows had started cawing to return their nests and the birds were chirping all around. The scenery surrounding him was so picturesque, even though he'd seen it a myriad number of times before, he couldn't help himself staring at it. 

  He was in his garden, sitting on the same arched bench where his mate sat a few days ago. A sudden thought came across his mind, which illuminated his face instantly. Standing on his feet he halted. Thought some more, rolling his eyes up to the sky. He wasn't seeing the beautiful orange and purple clouds floating over the blue sky, his mind roamed somewhere else. And then he moved his legs towards his elder cousin's room. 

  While walking through the long corridor, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Jungkook. His soulmate. 

  Last night was so romantic, so erotic, that he silvered when he recalled all the things he did and said to his mate. Even the small eroticas he'd secretly read with his best friend during his puberty years, were nothing compared to what he'd experienced last night. 

  One thing he was sure, this perpetual horniness that made him this desperate, wasn't in his characteristics from the beginning. If this particular alpha was not his mate, he might have acted differently, more sophisticatedly like a prince. But he couldn't blame the  alpha entirely for this. He never forced him. 

  Taehyung still couldn't believe they had spent sixteen hours together in the embrace of love. Those precious sixteen hours where they experienced heat and rut together at the same time. 

  Just before the dawn when being exhausted and drowsy by the over activities, he forgot how many times he'd came and how many different positions they'd tried, he didn't have the strength to move a single muscle of his body, and his mate took care of him like a little baby; 

  Prepared a scented bath for him, gently massaged his shoulder and thighs while making him sit on his lap in the bathtub,  washed his body with mild soap covering him with white foams, while moving his hand delicately over his bruised skin. softly wiped down his entire body with caring hands, then changed the bed sheet into a soft fluffy white one, and then he tucked him into his side, murmuring goodnight while holding him close to his heart, where he could hear his heartbeat, loud and clear. 

  How could he ever forget this night? 

  His cheeks flushed crimson, matching the red hue of the setting sun when he recalled his mate's first and the last words of the day when he called his name to wake him up. The alpha kissed his forehead and said—"My omega, no matter what happens in near future, never doubt my love for you. I've abandoned all my hesitation and come to you. So have faith in my love even if you find something precarious about me. Because my heart that is beating for you, is the only thing that is true."

  Taehyung was still drowsy and half asleep when he left him in his room. So he didn't get the proper meaning of those words. But his forehead still burned where his mate had kissed it and his fingers lightly lingered upon it. He smiled, more like giggled covering his face, not caring about stares and frowns of the people passing by. 

  Being in love surely felt something like this—that he knew now. 

  Everything was like a dream, until he remembered the most unusual thing he saw last night. His alpha's eyes flashed blue everytime when he was high on his orgasm. Taehyung was so shocked for a moment then he forgot to breathe. These kinds of extraordinary exceptions weren't rare on this earth, he consoled his mind saying this. But deep inside his mind an uneasiness was disturbing him. 

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