Chapter - 2

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"Open the door. Hey there."

Hearing a loud knock at the door, Jungkook slowly raised his heavy head from the pillow—which was more like a clothed brick. His dewy eyelids were collaged together, it took him some seconds to separate them. "Coming." He answered and slowly drew himself up on his feet.

Opening the moldy old door, he could see the person and recognize him as the owner of this old inn. He met him yesterday.

"Hey man, your day is over. If you want to live here another day, you've to pay in advance." Said the middle aged short height owner.

Jungkook stood there unblinking, perplexed. There wasn't any emotion on his sleep drenched face. Memories came step by step. Mother-kingdom-Kim Taejoo-revenge. He remembered coming here last afternoon. He remembered this cheap inn's food. It was bland but sufficient for him. He rented this room at the cheapest price and he had been sleeping since then. "What time is it?" Asked, suppressing a yawn.

The owner sighed, "Don't tell me you don't know it's already afternoon. The sun is setting within an hour. And after that your twenty four hours will be completed and you've to pay for the next day's rent. Should I make the bill?" He said with hopeful eyes.

"Please give me a moment to think." Jungkook closed the door and dragged his sleepy body over the cot where he slept last night. He turned his eyes to the only source of light in this ten by six room, the open window. Afternoon sunlight was already turning into golden brown and he wasn't feeling weak like before. A good twenty-two hours sleep had cured the soreness from his limp body. He didn't find any reason to stay here any longer so he took a shower, changed his clothes with a comfortable hanbok he bought with him and came out of that old dilapidated building.

As soon as he set his foot on the alley, the cloaked guy with heavenly beautiful eyes came into his mind. The abandoned food stall where he hid was still there and Jungkook knew they were never going to meet again. But in the lone corner of his mind there was a faint desire to meet him again, because he was the only person in this big fancy city who'd talked with him nicely.

His pocket was almost empty and this was the city of riches; surviving here almost impossible without a fixed source of income. Even if he sold his mother's ring, which was old and outdated, he won't get much. Most of all Jungkook didn't want to let his mother's last memento go just for some bucks.

The palace was in the middle of the city and it was secured by a stony wall which was impossible for any living creature to climb.

From afar he was watching the main gate, the late afternoon sun almost vanished behind the palace, the streets lit up with electric lamps one by one, they weren't bright like modern fluorescent bulbs but enough to fill the darkness of the wide streets. There were two flags placed just above the main gate and one large flag on the highest peak of the main palace. They were red, and they carried their national symbol; the golden dragon, bright and shiny.

Four palace guards were strolling outside the gate with royal uniforms and swords. The gate was only opening when the soldiers or some noble people from inside asked them to open. The common outsiders were strictly restricted, or if they had special permissions from the chief guard.

Jungkook's finger curled up around the handle of his little jute bag. He could see only two possible ways to enter this gate—as a royal servant or a palace guard. The first one would be a bit tacky. He wasn't habituated with pampering people or cooking and cleaning. He would be thrown out of there before he could put his hands on Taejoo's collars. He thought the second option would be better as strength was his only talent.

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