The Most Deadly Dagger

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Although Merlin succeeded in drifting off to sleep, Arthur didn't sleep a wink. His eyes darted between the trees and foliage, aided by the light of the stars and moon, searching for any sign of trouble. To Arthur's relief, the night was quiet, only being interrupted by the occasional frightened deer or scurrying mouse.

"Merlin?" He whispered to the night. "Are you awake?" There was no response. He sighed, wishing the boy could have be able to glimpse the full moon. It was bigger, brighter, and more full than it had been the previous night, or however many nights ago Arthur had caught Merlin transfixed by the moon. He wished he could see it, although if their plight succeeded, Merlin would have unlimited moons to stare at. He shifted in place, moving his head to one side, so he could see Merlin's peaceful face.

Merlin. Something Arthur had not expected. Something Arthur could not explain. Ever since he had grown to trust the boy, he had thought he felt he was some younger brother. Some younger brother who needed protection, who needed guidance, but now... now he wasn't sure. He liked the way Merlin saw things. He liked the way Merlin spoke. He liked the way Merlin moved. He like the way Merlin cared for others and shied away from violence. But most strange, he liked the way Merlin looked. How his eyes were constantly changing from brilliant blue to gold and how the magic never really left his eyes - appearing in shimmering flecks that collected sun and star light. There was no mistaking it, Merlin was beautiful and Arthur knew it. What did that mean? Arthur knew, but didn't, he felt, but was afraid to feel. He knew what it was, but was unsure if Merlin felt the same, if he was even able to feel something like love for someone like him - love... there it was. The cursed word had crossed his mind. Love?... Love... LOVE!! His thoughts shouted to the wilderness!

He giggled to himself. Giggled? What was coming over him?

"Arthur?" Merlin's hushed voice came from next to him.

"Yes?" Arthur answered, trying to conceal his glee.

"I heard you laughing, but all like... small and shaky."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright. I didn't mind waking up to it." It was comments like this that made Arthur's heart lurch. "But then again, mostly Gailyn would wake me up with a yell or some sorts. A bucket of water over the face, or some sort of new spell that he's developed." Arthur sighed as his heart settled. It hadn't been what he thought.



"Could you tell me about... you know... You don't have to, I just want to know more about you. What you've seen to start for it."

Arthur saw Merlin purse his lips in the darkness. "I would... but... Gailyn doesn't like me talking about it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot about that binding curse."

"Once, a visitor came to the castle. I don't know their name and I can't remember their face. I think Gailyn might have erased him or something, Gailyn was always good at messing with my mind... In fact, there's part of me that still thinks that this is all some fond illusion that he has conjured up to teach me a lesson or something of the sort."

"He can do that?"

Merlin tried to speak, but something stoped him.

"Oh I'm sorry... I'll just take that as a yes."

"Well anyway, this faceless visitor, I remember I told him about my situation... stripped from my mother and all. This made him angry, he wanted to take me away."

"But Gailyn couldn't have that."

"Not again. No one could know about me. He had to ensure that I could tell no one of the things he would do to me."

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