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"What are you doing out here?" Arthur demanded. 

The boy didn't answer, continuing to stare at the people before him. His eyes darted left, then right. Arthur wondered if he was seeking a method of escape. 

"There is no need to be afraid," Morgana assured. She elbowed Arthur in the arm. 

"Ow! What-" he was quieted by a sharp look from Morgana who gestured pointedly to his sword. "He could still be a threat. He could be a spy from Cenred," he whispered. Morgana pushed passed him.

"My name is Morgana. You look very cold. You should come inside before the rain starts again." She began to approach but the boy recoiled, shuffling away from her outstretched hands. "It's okay. No one is going to hurt you. Did something happen to you? Why are you out here all alone?"

Again the boy didn't answer, choosing to remain silent as he shivered in the cold. Arthur's form softened. Even though he remained weary of this stranger, he didn't feel immediately threatened. When he sheathed his sword the boy visibly relaxed. 

"You see?" Morgana smiled. "You're safe." She gestured to Arthur. "Don't mind him. He takes everything too seriously."

"I do not!" Arthur protested. 

Morgana held out her hand. "Come on... let's get you inside." Tentatively the boy took her offering, clinging tightly to her sleeve. "There you go. This way." To Arthur's surprise, she led him in the direction of his tent instead of her own. 

"Oi! Where are you going?"

"Toby is asleep in my tent. It seemed like he hadn't slept in a year, I'm not going to be the one to wake him up."

"Fine," Arthur grumbled as he followed behind. "Only for a little bit, just to figure out where he's from."

Once they were all inside, Morgana guided the boy to sit down on the bed. She pulled a blanket that had rested on the edge of the bed-frame over his shoulders.

"Could you tell me if you're hurt? Maybe hungry? Arthur could you get him some water?"

Arthur crossed his arms and leaned on the small desk. He looked the boy in the eyes. "Tell me your name. What is your business in these woods so late at night?" Arthur demanded, doing his best to sound intimidating.

"I-" the boy began in a hoarse voice. "I don't know..."

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "You don't know?" he asked skeptically. "You don't know what? You're name or why you're out here?"

"My name is Merlin."

Arthur nodded. "Then Merlin, why are you out here?" 

The boy tensed at his stern tone. "I... I'm sorry. Are you going to put me back?" he asked nervously.

"No, of course not!" Morgana insisted as she glared at the prince. "It's not illegal to be in the woods. Besides it's freezing out there. We wouldn't put you back."

"Although not illegal it's certainly suspicious," Arthur added. "I can't think of a reason someone like you should be wandering around in the dark." 

Merlin shook and brought the blanket tighter around himself. "I don't know..." he said again. 

"Arthur, stop it! He is obviously in distress." 

"Fine!" Arthur snapped, frustrated Morgana was ignoring the fact that they were traveling along the border of an enemy kingdom. "Merlin, where do you live? We can take you back to your family."

Merlin looked up at him. "No, no, I don't live anywhere," he stuttered. 

"Prince Arthur, Morgana, listen!" Gwen spoke up.

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