The Poison

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"Arthur? What are you doing about at this hour? And in such a rush at that... where could you be going in such a hurry. 

Arthur saw his father approaching from the end of the corridor. He cursed to himself. It must have looked very strange, the prince running along through the halls at that time of the night. Or was it... Arthur peered out one of the slitted windows and observed tints of pink and orange peaking over the distant trees. Rather, what would the prince be doing running through the halls at that time of the morning

"Father, how are you this morning?"

"I could be better, Arthur, but that seems to be my constant reality these days. You'll understand when you're king." He paused about five paces away and scanned his son. "I must say, Arthur... I'm slightly worried. The way you spoke in the council meeting... about your presumed innocence of that boy."

Arthur laughed, nervously. "I was actually on my way to Gaius' chambers to see my servant." He hung his head. "I'm afraid I spoke out in that meeting with an opinion that was ill informed. Maybe it was the head injury, but I was unaware of the entire situation. I was unaware of..."

Uther put a hand on his shoulder. "I was sorry to hear it. There was never a more loyal servant. Never another person so ripe with first hand knowledge of the horrors of magic and sorcery." He rubbed his temples sadly. "Poor lad. There was a great commotion in the lower town. I found that boy crying over the bodies of his parents. Killed by witches."

"Yes," Arthur said. "He told me as much. He tried to convince me the boy was dangerous," he said, cringing at his own forced words. "I didn't listen." 

"But, you know now that he was right?"

"I do, father."

Uther nodded. "Good... good... maybe this whole terrible endeavor will have a positive effect after all."

Arthur shifted uncomfortably. "Is that all, father? I'd like to see my servant."

"Oh, he's still alive?" Uther asked, nonchalantly. 

"Barely. Gaius says he doesn't have long."

"You may go, but don't drown yourself in grief over the death of a mere servant, no matter how loyal."

Arthur tensed. "Yes, father. I only mean to pay my respects."

"Perfectly amiable.... Oh and, Arthur?"

Arthur was forced to stop once more. 

His father approached, slowly. "Were you paying attention in that last council meeting. Do you understand the plan?"

Arthur thought back. "Merlin will be demonstrating?"

Uther rolled his eyes. "Is that all you heard?"

"Forgive me father," Arthur said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Everything has been slightly hazy. Gaius said the pain would fade within a couple days."  

"Right then. Yes, there will be a demonstration for just the most prestigious members of the court. We don't want news of this to reach the lower town. It could be seen as hypocrisy."

"Is it not hypocrisy?" Arthur questioned, more to himself than to his father. 

Uther stared at him. "I believe it could be seen that way, but my intentions are in the right place. I want to assess the threat of this boy. It is to protect the kingdom. In fact, towards the end of the meeting we concluded that this boy cannot be allowed back with Cenred. We are going to make an attempt to kill him."

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