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Arthur pressed his ear up against the heavy wooden door of his chambers, listening intently. Satisfied there was no one on the other side, he pushed it open and slipped into the dimly lit corridor. He took care to step lightly, not wanting his heavy footsteps to alert anyone of his presence. The new patrol had left earlier that night and whether his father liked it or not, Arthur was going to be a part of it. He couldn't stand by and wait while his men were in danger, especially when it was all his fault. Maybe if he hadn't run after Merlin in the woods, maybe if he hadn't abandoned his men, they would be safe within the walls of Camelot. He shuddered, imagining the lifeless body of Sir Ronald left behind in the woods to rot. Had Toby given him a proper burial?

His blue cloak rustled in the breeze as he approached the entrance to the courtyard. The wind whistled as it drifted through the empty citadel halls. There was a time Arthur had been afraid of the castle at night. He would get lost wandering the halls looking for his father. Eventually a maid or a guard would find him and bring him back to his chambers.

Arthur took the courtyard stairs two at a time, wanting to make a quick get away. The moon was full and basked the courtyard in a cool glow. Although beautiful, the light was not ideal for someone trying to slip away. Few areas of darkness provided true cover. Arthur froze when he saw the figure standing in the center of the cobble stones. Was it a guard? No, they weren't wearing any armor. He approached with caution, not wanting to alert the person of his presence. The prince squinted. It was Merlin.

It was Merlin, staring up, transfixed by the full moon. At his feet lounged the transparent form of a cat, his orange eyes staring directly through Arthur's soul.

"Merlin!" The prince hissed.

The boy turned. "Oh, hello."

"What are you doing out here?"

"Well, I saw that through the window." He pointed to the moon. "And I had to see."

"You saw... the moon?"

"I guess. What are you doing here? Have you come to watch as well?"

"Merlin, you can't be out here at night. There's a curfew."


Arthur glanced down at the cat. "And you especially can't be out here using magic! What are you thinking?!"

"Don't worry. I'm sly."

"Well obviously not as you're using magic in a wide open space where anyone could see you!"

Merlin frowned. "Is magic bad or something?"

"My father banned such practices twenty years ago."

"Oh... why?"

Arthur shrugged. "My father always says that sorcery is an evil that should be punishable by death. However Gaius always says, and I'm starting to believe him, that people just used magic for the wrong reasons."

"Wrong reasons... like what?"

"Oh... you know... murder... curses... plagues... things to that effect."


Arthur looked around the courtyard. "You should go back."

"I'm not really tired and I don't want to be alone."

"Isn't Gaius there?"

Merlin shook his head. "When I woke up he was gone." He pulled something from underneath his shirt. "He left a note but... but... I can't read."

Arthur took the piece of parchment and looked it over. "He had an emergency patient. He says he'll be back by morning."

"Oh... okay."

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