I Do Hurt You

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Arthur's mind drifted from darkness to dream, darkness to dream. He imagined his father's disappointed, Toby's parents... Merlin's horrified face. Merlin, who had been absolutely terrifying. He had abilities beyond comprehension that seemed to be tied tightly to his emotions. Was Toby okay? Did he get hurt? Was he, himself, okay? What had happened... was Merlin okay? Why did he still trust him so deeply? Why after everything he just witnessed, was he so unafraid of the boy?

He felt something pull his mind. Was it another thought? No, it felt different. He saw flashes of gold in his black void as he meandered aimlessly. 

"Arthur? Arthur? Arthur?" 

Arthur looked around his void. The voice sounded like Merlin's. He decided to let himself be pulled by the mysterious force. 

Immediate colors and senses clouded his vision. They merged together in front of him creating surroundings and flooding his senses. He stood in a courtyard. Grey clouds blocked away the sky and the sun. The chilled breeze made him shiver. He saw Merlin standing only a few feet away. But, it wasn't Merlin, or at least not the one he knew. He looked younger, maybe a few years. Arthur ran up to him. 

"Merlin, where are we? What happened?" The boy didn't answer, continuing to stare forward  "Merlin?" Again, no answer. He raised his hand as his eyes burned gold. A giant boulder was lifted off the ground if front of him. After a few moments of struggle, he gently set it back on the ground. 

"Good job, Merlin!" A man emerged from behind where Arthur was standing. Arthur shuddered as the man passed right through him. 

Was he in another memory?

Arthur recognized the man as the one who had introduced himself as Gailyn from the chase in the woods. 

"I'm sure next time you'll be able to hold it for even longer. You're getting very strong!"

Merlin smiled. 

"Boulders, Gailyn? I thought by now you would have the boy working on more impressive feats?" a new voice rang out.

Gailyn sighed. "My Lord..." He moved away from Merlin and towards the other man. 

My Lord? Arthur thought. It must be Cenred. 

"My Lord, he is progressing as I expected. It is a delicate situation as I say, Sire. He could snap on us at any moment. It's important to be gentle and patient."

"I'm tired of being patient, Gailyn. I've been patient all my life. Camelot grows more powerful everyday and before long Morgause could find out what we're doing... he needs to be ready soon."

"And he will be, Sire-"

"That's what you keep saying, but I'm not seeing you act on it!"

Gailyn gulped. "But-"

Cenred raised a hand. "Has he killed?"

"I tried once, my Lord... it didn't go to plan. He didn't like it... I think it best to wait a little longer on that..."

Cenred shook his head. "No. This needs to be done now." He walked over to the boy. "Merlin? I want you to do something for me."

Merlin nodded. 

Cenred beckoned over a guard. The man hurried forward. Cenred smiled wickedly. "Merlin, you see this man?"

Merlin nodded again. 

"You are to kill him."

The guards eyes grew wide in shock. "Sire? I have only ever served you!"

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