Victim Of A Victim

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The prince tentatively knocked on the door of the physicians chambers.

"Enter," a voice called from inside.

It was a subdued sight. Gaius stood at his desk mixing a colored vile while Morgana and Gwen huddled around the cot. Toby was as still as death itself. If Arthur wasn't aware of his condition, he would have assumed the man to be dead.

"How is he?" he asked softly.

Morgana only shook her head, continuing to hold a cloth to his forehead. 

"There has been no change. His pulse grows weaker by the hour."

"No change?"

"No change, Arthur."

"He's going to die?"

"I'm afraid so," Gaius answered, empathetically.

Arthur sank into a chair next to Toby's cot, never looking away from the broken servant. "Surely... surely if he's still alive there's still hope!"

Gaius sighed. "In theory, but in honesty... no. There is no hope."

"If only I had been able to get him out of the room. Maybe if I had been more convincing-"

"Well there's no point," Morgana interrupted.

He refused to look at the girl who was practically his sister, instead choosing to bury his face in his palms.

"But, then maybe there is a point," she admitted. "It wouldn't matter whether or not you removed Toby from the room or been able to de-escalate the situation. All the blame lies with me. It was me who insisted we go after the boy in the first place."

"We went after Toby?" Arthur asked confused.

"No," she said biting her lip. "It was I who insisted we go after Merlin in the first place."

Arthur took a moment to digest her words. "You... you regret taking him in? It was an act of compassion, Morgana. It's a reflection of your kind nature."

She rose from her seat. "But Toby's death will be the result of my actions!"

Arthur stood to match her. "You would have rather left Merlin in the woods? Alone and scared! He would have been taken back by those awful men."

"Maybe..." She closed her eyes. "Maybe that's where he's supposed to be. Maybe that's the safest place for him. For all of us."

"You sound just like my father! Merlin doesn't deserve to rot in that hell hole. I've seen more of his memories, his life there is horrific!"

"What's horrifying is what he's done to Toby!"

"It was an accident!"

"Arthur why are you defending him?! I thought this might be something we would agree on. I thought we would be able to share concerns about Merlin. You seemed wary enough of him when you first met. Why are you, now, so eager to defend his character?"

"I-" Arthur was at a loss to explain it himself. "I don't know... there's just something... the way he spoke..."

"He's barley said a word since he got here."

Arthur shook his head. "No, you're wrong. He's excited by everything... the moon, the flowers, the sky... his words couldn't be malicious. It just isn't possible."

"Nice words can hide bitter intentions," Morgana answered.

"Not Merlin's words. No, I refuse to believe that!" He surprised himself with how firmly he spoke. "He's a victim of circumstance. It's not his fault he can't control it. It's not his fault."

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