The Well Worn Way

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It was near mid day when the group decided it was time to split into their designated groups. Arthur watched as Leon and his chosen knights trotted into the foggy woods, following only Leon's map as there was no path. Arthur's knights had a far easier job. Their path was well trodden and they occasionally passed other travelers along their way. They had four horses between them, more than Leon's group had taken, but it still meant they had to share. Arthur rode one, Morgana and Gwen alternated between another, and the rest of the knights took turns with the remaining two. Toby was stuck trailing behind, insisting that it was more important for the others to ride. Morgana and Gwen had, at one point, convinced him to take a turn on their horse, but he quickly surrendered his place on the saddle. 

"But, you'll be exhausted by the time we make camp!" Morgana insisted. 

"No, my Lady, I'd feel much better if you were the one's well rested."


"Morgana," Arthur called over his shoulder. "If he wants to walk he wants to walk. Just leave him to it." He could feel Morgana staring angrily at the back of his head. 

The previous days foul weather had continued into the next, making their vision extremely limited. Although it made for a difficult journey, it created a peaceful atmosphere that Arthur appreciated. Along the way they chatted occasionally. 

"So they're traveling parallel to us?" one knight asked.  

"More or less. We're going to meet up at some point, but they're traveling along the border that has been agreed upon. Unfortunately, Cenred had taken to using this path, that we're going along now, as his border. The disagreement has caused a few minor skirmishes."

The knight nodded. "What do you think the king expects us to find anyway?" he asked curiously. "I don't mean any disrespect, but it seems rather futile searching for something that Cenred isn't very likely to leave lying around."

"We don't expect to find the exact weapon. My father just has a feeling that Cenred may begin to test our borders. He wants to know how far he's willing to go at this time." Arthur shifted in his saddle. "We can't cover the entire space in between these these debated borders. Sir Leon has settled to patrol both."

"What do you think this magical weapon could be? Isn't plain magic a most dangerous weapon in itself?"

"I know my father keeps many magical artifacts that can't be destroyed in a secure place within the castle. Many of them I'm sure could be used as a weapon. Maybe this knew object is similar to one of these artifacts."

"Maybe..." the knight trailed off. "It is interesting, however terrifying, to speculate."

"Indeed," Arthur said. "I just hope that it remains speculation. I think it would be best for Camelot if we never have to find out what Cenred is hiding. Let's hope it remains speculation."

The next few hours were filled with few moments of consequence. Occasionally, they would stop and rest for a time. However, Arthur never let them rest for long. Traveling along the inner border was a much longer journey that the outer and he wanted to make sure they reunited with Sir Leon in good time. When darkness fell and the group could barley see the path ahead, Arthur finally decided it was time to make camp for the night. 

"Get some rest while you can. We leave at first light!" Arthur made his way over to Toby who fumbled with the poles and cloth that would make up a tent. "Hurry it up, will you? I do want to get some sleep before the sun's midway through the sky."

"Of course, Sire!"

"Arthur, don't be so mean." Morgana bent down to pick up a few of the poles Toby had dropped. 

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