A Diverging Border

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"This mission needs to be handled with the utmost secrecy and delicacy," Sir Leon said as he paced the length of the small armory. He was surrounded by a group of eleven knights, including the prince himself. "We mustn't wear anything bearing the crest of Camelot as we will be journeying very close to Camelot's border with Essitir. It would be best to remain unnoticed." He looked to the prince who kept his eyes fixed on the floor, ashamed to be taking orders. "Also, please be aware that Prince Arthur will be joining us. It is his first mission. Look out for him. I suspect none of you will want to bear the king's wrath if he gets hurt." There were a few nods and chuckles from the men surrounding Arthur. The prince glanced up for a moment, enough time to glare in the direction of the laughing knights. 

Arthur cleared his throat. "What are the goals of this mission?"

Leon nodded kindly in his direction. "I'm glad you asked." He looked around at the group of knights. "As you all know, King Cenred has been building up his army for some time now. He wants Camelot's lands. However as his army grows, so does ours. Even Cenred knows that attempting to take Camelot with his existing men would be suicide. But, our spies have revealed some disturbing news." Leon pursed his lips. "They say that Cenred has been developing some sort of secret weapon. Very few of even his most trusted advisors know about it. The last information we received from our spies was that he had been working on this weapon for years... and he is almost ready to strike."

Arthur furrowed his brow. "Do we know if this weapon is a magical one?"

Leon shook his head. "Unfortunately we lost contact with those men placed in Essitir. I think it's safe to assume the worst. But, our king suspects as much. What other weapon could hope to be powerful enough to defeat Camelot's army?"

The knights shifted uncomfortably for all had been taught the dangers of sorcery.

"We are to lead a subtle patrol along the border. Check for weaknesses in our defense. It is unlikely we will uncover any further information about this supposed secret weapon, but while we're there, we might as well look. We have to be discrete. Cenred cannot know that we may know of his plans. Do you all understand?"

The knights and the Prince nodded.

"Good. Be prepared to leave tomorrow morning. We'll want to reach the border in five days time."

As the knights filed out of the armory, Arthur caught Leon's eye. The knight smiled at him. Arthur forced a smile back before following the rest from the room. His manservant, Toby, was waiting outside of the room and quickly stepped in behind the Prince.

"What will you be needing tonight, Sire. I understand you are about to embark on a trip. Will you be in need of my services?"

"Yes, I will. And tonight I want you to-"

"A trip? Where could you be going on such short notice?"

Arthur groaned and turned to face the young woman clad in an emerald green dress. "Well thank you for asking, but frankly it's none of your business." Arthur gestured for Toby to follow him to his chambers. He rolled his eyes, agitated, as he heard the click of Morgana's heels following behind.

"None of my business? Please..." she scoffed. "You've never been one to keep your father's secrets, especially from me."

Arthur continued to make his way down the hall. "Well... this one's important." He puffed out his chest slightly as he walked. "It pertains to the very fate of this kingdom." Even though Morgana was still trailing behind him, he was sure he could hear her roll her eyes.

"Don't insult me, Arthur. I have no interest in what you and your men are planning to do." She put a hand to her forehead. "Oh wait, my mistake! Leon's men. I forgot you weren't leading the mission."

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