A Familiar Face

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"Prince Arthur and the Lady Morgana have returned!"

The shout came from high up on the citadel wall. The guards by the gate ushered them inside. Arthur made his way quickly through the onslaught of knights and guards. They all barked the same questions and concerns. The prince could see Merlin becoming overwhelmed in all the noise. He wrapped a hand around the boy's arm to ensure he didn't act on any impulse to flee.

"We're going to take you to Gaius. He'll be able to help you. He's the court physician."


"He helps people who are sick or injured. It's a place for you to stay while we figure out what to do with you."

"What to do with me?"

"You still haven't told us where you're from or where your family is," Morgana said.

Merlin said nothing in response which made her frown slightly. Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, and Morgana ducked through the passageway that led to Gaius' chambers.

"My Lord!" Arthur heard Toby's voice from behind him.


"My Lord, your father wants to see you right away."

"Alright, I'll be with him in a minute." He continued to guide Merlin down the passageway. Morgana held open the door for the rest who filed into Gaius' chambers.

"Morgana? Arthur? Gwen? What can I help you with?" He spotted Merlin. "Who's this?"

"This is Merlin," Morgana said, taking the boy from Arthur and leading him to the open cot.


"Yes. We found him alone in the woods near our camp."

"My Lord! Your father is growing impatient!" Toby squeaked from the door.

"Right, sorry Gaius. I'll be back." Arthur followed Toby out the wooden door in the direction of the council chambers. They walked in awkward silence.

The double doors opened and Arthur made his way confidently inside. When his father saw him, he rose from his seat and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

"Arthur, thank goodness!" He pulled away, still keeping his hands firmly on Arthur's shoulders. "What happened? Your servant said you were attacked! Where are the other knights?" Arthur didn't answer right away, a wave of shame coming over him.

He took a deep breath. "I'm afraid the rest of the knights have not returned with me. Cenred is even more eager for war than we feared. We were attacked. Morgana and I were able to escape, the rest were captured." He let this news hit the council members. "Sir Ronald lost his life. I'm not sure about any of the others... I'm sorry, father. I failed you."

Uther shook his head. "No... I should have realized... Cenred is acting more aggressively than I thought. I thought this would have been a mission you could handle."

Arthur hung his head in embarrassment. Even though his father wasn't angry with him, Arthur still felt his disappointment radiating in his direction.

Uther turned to address the rest of his council. "We must be extra vigilant. Cenred is more eager for war than we feared." He paced the length of the table. "And we still don't know anything about this mysterious weapon the Essitir king has been housing," he added.

"My Lord," a council member piped up. "What should we do about the good men Cenred now has prisoner?"

"It's a difficult circumstance," Uther began. "Obviously rescuing these men would be ideal, but we can't lose any more good men. Arthur, do you have any idea where these men are being held?"

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