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Arthur pulled Merlin along by the arm. " We have to RUN!!"

Merlin followed with wide eyes. The pair weaved through the bodies and swords, trying not to draw too much attention to their escape. They were almost to the door of the council chambers.  

"Merlin!" a shout came from behind. Both turned to see Gailyn doing his best to make his way towards them, flinging the occasional obstruction with magic. "Merlin, do not even think about running away from me again!"

"Come on!" Arthur urged. Gailyn was getting too close. 

"Just leave me ALONE!!" Merlin swiped at the air with his hand, carving a deep gash across their pursuers face. 

"Grrraahhhh!!" he roared in pain, clutching the bloodied skin. "You'll regret that!!!" He boomed. "Men! After him, he's getting away!" but all of  the men from Essitir were engaged in fierce battles with the red caped knights, barley able to defend their own lives. 

Arthur took the opportunity to swing the door open and pull Merlin through. 

"We've got to get you down to the lower town," he panted. "Gaius, Gwen, and Morgana are there waiting for us. It's where they've brought Toby as well."

"Toby?" Merlin questioned, fearfully.

"Yes. He was injured, but you can cure him. I know you can."

"I hurt him?"

"It was a moment of weakness, but not one to be repeated. He's going to be okay. You will make it so. I believe in you."

"One good thing doesn't make a bad thing right," Merlin said, shamefully. 

"Well no..." Arthur said, slightly flustered. "But it makes it a heck of a whole lot better! Come on!" 

They sprinted at break neck speed through the corridors leaving the sound of the raging battle dimming in the distance. 


By the time they reached Gwen's house, it was nearing evening. They had had to slow down as they approached the lower town. Running through the bustling city would have aroused negative attention and might have alerted a guard to their location. Luckily, Arthur remembered to stash his hooded blue cloak that concealed his face. Merlin wore a similar red garment that Gwen had provided. It was impertinent that they not be recognized. Eventually, the knights would come looking for them and they couldn't risk a townsperson giving them away. 

"It's us, Gwen," Arthur hissed. "Let us in, quickly. I don't know how far behind they are."

The door swung open to reveal the maidservant. She beckoned them inside.

Arthur noticed Toby lying on the table in the center of the room. Gaius and Morgana tended to his wounds. The physician looked up as they entered. 

"Arthur! Thank goodness. He doesn't have long now. I feared you would be too late."

Arthur ran a hand through his sweaty hair. "Merlin," he asked. "Are you ready?"

The boy approached the table warily. He brushed his hand across the gash in the servant's head. 

"I did this?" he asked. 

"Merlin, what you did won't matter as long as you prove what you can do. You can save his life. I've seen it."

He nodded, preparing himself. He touched the wound again with his finger and gently closed his eyes. Arthur waited for the familiar golden glow. It didn't come. Instead, Merlin pulled his hand away suddenly. 

Boy From The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now