chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

'Mr. Ellen?' Rachel was unsure of the plan due to her falling asleep half away through Raven explaining. Amber nodded her head, blocking the confused fox out of her mind and leaving her human to deal with her. Raven sighed as she briefly went over the plan, Rachel nodded to ever word that Raven had said, she didn't understand anything but she knew she wasn't needed at the moment so she didn't need to listen. 'Remember the plan Amber.' Cleo laughed at Rachel, the fox rolled her eyes as she went to the back of Ambers mind.

Amber, the female lioness nodded before full on sprinting, they didn't have much time on their hands as Raven had other things to deal with before the night came to an end. They needed a quick and painful death, one where Raven could enjoy the life leave out of them but quick enough for her to move to her next target. It only toke a matter of seconds before Amber came to a stop in front of a isolated building, the upper floor was all glass, Amber could see everything that happened inside of the building.

Amber let Raven have control again, her soft black fur turning into clothes for Raven to wear and she quickly shrugged on the clothes before she stepped behind a pathway. She was quiet as she tried to pick up noise from the house but when she failed to she moved to the back of the house, the door was already left open and Raven stood behind a bush, confused and feeling sorry for the man. 'What idiot leaves their doors open at night?' Rachel asked.

'One that wants to be robbed for what he has.' Came Ravens mumbled reply as she put on gloves and a face mask, she was covered from head to toe and she needed that. She walked into a kitchen, it was dark but she was a supernatural, it was easy for her to find her way around.

Her eyes watched the man, he tossed and turned uncomfortably, Raven sat on a piece of furniture as she made herself comfortable the man's eyes shot open. His eyes scanned the place frantically, he left like he was being watched but he could be overthinking it, chuckling to himself he grabbed for the water that was on his nightstand. Raven had a small smirk on her face, the man took a big sip of the water and in a few seconds he was coughing and struggling to breathe.

The woman stepped out from the shadows, standing in front of the kneeling man with her eyes intoxicated of any emotion. Her fingers twirled with a knife in her hands, the man's face drained of colour as he coughed up blood. "W-who are yo-you?!" He screamed, scrambling away from the approaching figure. The man turned on his lamp, trying to see the woman's face but failed to as she was covered from from the face.

The man had quit literally peed his pants from the fear Raven had thrown on him. She was disgusted, but chuckled as Mr. Ellen struggled to breath. "Your most nightmare." The blade pressed into He man's stomach, putting pressure while her gripped onto his neck. "It's such a pity that I have to kill someone so young, you've made a mistake and ill make you pay for it."

"I don't kno-know what your taking about." Lie.

"I don't have all night to talk." Her knife dug into the man's kidneys, plumbing it in and out of his stomach as the man tried to fight her off but he was overpowered. His hands gripped the blade weakly but less than two minutes he had died from how Raven had stabbed him in serval areas of the body. A pool of red was stained on the light brown carpet, blood pooling out the stomach and out the mouth as his eyes were wide open in shock. Raven sighed as she turned of the lamp, she walked over to the window and made her way out the house once again to dine for her next target.

'That was lame you should have tortured him way more not just killed him straight away.' Amber was disappointed with the straight away kill but she also understood why that needed to be done.

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