Chapter 48

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Beep beep beep. The only saucer of noise that rung through my ear was that deep annoying beeping sound of a Machine near me. My head was spinning and it still left like it was being dropped under. Sweetly continuing to block my air way for breathing

I had no courage to peel open my eyes to face the world at the moment and I didn't want to open than either way

I could still feel the strong piercing pain in my chest, the pain that I felt earlier before my eyes closed shut

Where they still at it? Did they really not care about me? Hah, why would they care about me? I was stupid and naive to think that I had finally found mates that would actually start to love and care for me

Fuck the moon -and the other- goddess out there fir pairing me up with two more ignorant mates! I was right when I said that I didn't need nor want mates

I Raven Stone was great at handling myself and my problems, that's how it's always been and I hope to keep it that way from a very long time from now one. I still had to find a way to reject them and this time I didn't care what rank I would land at

Fuck it! Being a Dud would be better than having mates but the fact that I would have to take my pills everyday to block the nasty scent. That thought did sadden me a little and caused my heart to bang in pain. My ordinary wolf -and other spirits- scents where going to change as well and that thought I didn't enjoy that much

Tears reeked between my closed eye lids when a stinging pain injected itself into my left limp arm. Was it a needle that poked my skin? I couldn't really tell and didn't really care

"Where's Venna!?" The panicked and pained voice of my baby Ash broke my heart and caused me to try and open my eyes

It also made me question for how long I had been out for. I couldn't possibly be over 24 hours that's for sure, because being cheated on by your mate would only rarely make you pass out for at lest 5- 6 hours maxs

I inwardly sighed making my face drop down in dissatisfaction when I tired my best to move my fingers around but failed, badly. I tried to mindlink one of my brothers or even Ben or Xander but my links seemed to have been locked or something. Only temporarily, I hope

'Anna? Cleo, Amber?' I questioned with a rised eyebrow concerned to why I still being pain and why I couldn't open my eyes. Also concerned that if I was still able to connect with my spirits

Surely I wasn't that much of a weak supernatural that couldn't wake herself up from being cheated on

'Fucking assholes!' Anna suddenly injected loudly making me flinch to how loud her voice had come out 'I knew we wouldn't have trusted them assholes!' She screamed frustrated with tears bricking up in her glowing eyes 'look at where we are for trust our lovey 'mates'. ' The sarcasm was clear as daylight in her voice

'Shush.' Amber tried her best to provide some comfort for my restless witch. Didn't really work out due to the fact that Anna didn't feel like calming down and wanted release from her rage on something, anything

'We need to have a talk with Aaron.' Skylar mumbled softly her voice sounded so vulnerable at the moment and that crushed my heart even more

'Please don't lose your happy spirit over some dumb males that where associated to be our mates.' I spoke to myself, concerned for my wolf that didn't even bothering trying to defend Hayden or Jayden

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