Chapter forty one

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"James wants me to move in with him." Ben mumbled as his face went a bright shade of red "I don't know if I should tho." He told hidding his face behind his cup of coffee

I smiled after we made a trip to the book shop and grabbed a few cook books for Ben's mom, me, Xander and Ben decided to go to the nearest coffee shop to just hang out and talk

After last nights events that occurred it was probably best if I stayed out of my apartment for awhile before going to work at the Stone's mansion, to babysit "I think you should move in, if that what you want then I say go for it," Xander told with a small smile

"I agree with Xander, if you want to move in you should." I added taking a big sip of my black coffee with sugar added to it "This shits not going to get me through the day." I let out a groan while Ben and Xander let out chuckles

"None of us got sleep last night and we have that interview tonight." Xander sighed at his own words while sinking back into his chair "I wanna get drunk but it's to early in the morning for that stuff." Xander mumbled to himself

I sighed placing my head down into my arms "let's just hope we get this job aye?" I nodded along with Xander

I sighed sipping my coffee while forcing my eyes open. I wasn't that tried but I felt like I could sleep instantly if I closed my eyes, even for just a second "Is Bella also quitting or is it just us?" Xander questioned with his eyes closed

"Don't know." Ben told looking around the street that was filled with people "Right we should get going, we're already been here for like an hour already." Ben told standing up and stretching his -probably now numb- legs

Xander sighed but also stood, but with his coffee in hand. I sighed also standing up with my own coffee in hand before following Ben and Xander "Man I wanna do something fun -stupid- today but don't know what to do." Ben ran a hand through his hair as we continued to walk down the busy side walk

"Any of yous up for getting drunk tonight?" Xander asked, tossing his empty coffee cup into the bin we passed by

Ben nodded his head "Have work tomorrow but might get a little drunk." I shrugged my shoulders as we continued to walk "Ben's place?" I asked and they both nodded in agreement

"Goddess my coffee tastes like shit now." Ben grumbled towing his own cup into the recycling bin "What about you Xander, are you going to reject your mate?" Xander sighed while I wrapped an arm his shoulder

"I don't know just yet." He mumbled back "I honestly don't know yet." He told his voice drifting off as he pulled me into a hug, while we kept walking "I might give him a chance but I'm scared he'll hurt or leave me..." He told wrapping his arms tightly around me

"Will he won't get a chance to hurt you, not if I have anything to do about it." Ben growled lowly and I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm his wolf down

"We're out in public, there's humans all around us." I whispered quietly after feeling him calm down just the slightest

"Right." He cleared his head and I took my hand off his shoulder before we continued walking

Xander placed his arms around my waist and I smiled because I knew he needed a hug and Ben could also go with a hug. "We should get daytime jobs as well in the pack." Ben pointed between him and Xander

They engaged into a conversation while I zoomed out after feeling like someone was trying to get ahold of me through my links 'Who's holding you?' That was Daxon that growled out his words at me

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I watched his eyes darkened, in a very hot warning matter 'Don't test my patience, little mate.' Dimtri growled out and I noticed his voice was a lot deep then it was last night or early morning

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